Liz Man

Global Plan: A Shared Responsibility

The Global Plan states that “though governmental agencies have the primary responsibility to design a safe road transport system and implement a road safety action plan, the role and influence of other actors are increasingly recognized as an important part of the Safe System.” It sets out roles for government, private sector, civil society including […]


New Africa Chapter website live

A new minisite for the Africa Chapter has been launched on the Alliance website. The site includes Africa-specific news and information about the Chapter, members, and plans. The new site enables the Chapter to build its unique identity and be a home for tailored information for road safety NGOs in Africa. Find the site HERE […]


Chile: Consumer demand leading the way for safer vehicles

New regulations in Chile are driving consumer demand to lead the way for safer vehicles. The new regulations, which were announced in July 2022 and now awaiting final legal review before they can be implemented, mandate vehicle manufacturers to display NCAP star ratings for new vehicle models sold in Chile on the safety label if […]


The Context for a Latin America Chapter

On 31 August 2021, the Alliance launched its Latin America Chapter to unify, empower, and strengthen NGOs in the region. At the launch event for the Chapter, keynote speakers Fred Wegman, Professor of Traffic Safety at Delft Technical University and Ricardo Pérez-Nuñez, Road Safety and Prevention of Unintentional Injuries, Noncommunicable Diseases, and Mental Health, Pan-American […]


Colombia: Julian Esteban Law is a Social Victory

In July 2021, 13 year old Julián Esteban Gómez was struck by a truck and killed while cycling in Colombia. The tragedy has resulted in a new road safety law, named after Julian Esteban, with stronger regulation of road and infrastructure design, vehicle safety standards, driver licensing and data on injuries, and speed limits, including […]


OPINION: Why a Latin America Chapter

On 31 August 2022, the Alliance launched its Latin America Chapter. The Chapter was a result of an identified need for a stronger regional approach and the desire of Alliance members in the region to benefit from closer collaboration. For this article, we sought the perspectives of some of those involved in shaping the Chapter. […]


PRESS RELEASE: Sustainable transport cannot be achieved without safety

Today, during European Mobility Week, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) launches its new publication Safer Cycling Advocate Program: Experiences and Inspiration. The publication uses case studies from six European and three Latin American countries to demonstrate how and why advocating for safe cycling can contribute toward Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) […]


PRESS RELEASE: Latin America Chapter to Unify and Strengthen NGO Advocacy

Read in SPANISH. 31 August 2022 Today, the 51 members of Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) in 15 countries in Latin America launched a new regional chapter to unify and strengthen their advocacy and influence to save lives across the continent. Last year, the Global Plan for the Decade of Action […]


Walking and Cycling on the Agenda in Namibia

70% of people in Namibia do not own a car. However, the public transport network is limited and the majority of people rely on taxis to travel around. It is estimated that 34% of income is spent on transport. In the past, walking and cycling have not been prioritized. “Our road system has been built […]


Mexico: Coalition Enables Stronger Advocacy

In April, we reported on how NGOs’ advocacy was a significant force in the passing of the new General Law of Mobility and Road Safety of Mexico (General Mobility Law), which is based on the premise that nobody should die as a consequence of a road crash and that everyone has the right to safe […]


Safe roads enable a health environment

On 28 July 2022, the UN General Assembly declared access to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a universal human right. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 24% of all global deaths, roughly 13.7 million deaths a year, are linked to the environment due to risks such as air pollution and chemical exposure. […]


Asia Pacific Regional Plan Offers Advocacy Opportunities

On 9–10 August 2022, the draft Regional Plan for Asia and the Pacific: the Second Decade of Action was presented at the UNESCAP regional meeting and expert group meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. The Regional Plan sets out the actions required in the Asia and Pacific region to achieve the Decade of Action 2021–2030. It tailors […]


New Baseline on Walking and Cycling in Africa

Up to a billion people in Africa walk and cycle for 56 minutes every day. More people walk than any other form of transport on the continent. However, only 5% of roads in Africa provide an acceptable standard (three-star or better using the iRAP system) for pedestrians and 7% for cyclists, and approximately 261 pedestrians […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome seven new members that joined us recently. Full members Teens Learn to Drive Inc., Canada, is a North American non-profit organization which aims to educate youth and parents about safe driving and preventing collisions through safe decision making. It holds annual campaigns to raise awareness about safe driving and […]


Follow up on the High-level Meeting Follow Up in Australasia

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” says Ingrid Johnston, Chief Executive Officer of Alliance member the Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS), of governments’ choices to make or not make a statement during the Plenary sessions at the High-level Meeting on Improving Global Road Safety in New York earlier this month. “Even if countries […]


Lancet Series Adds to Evidence Base

To coincide with the High-level Meeting, the Lancet has published a series of three papers on Road safety: More than reducing injuries. The series looks at the “mismatch between the global dialogue on road traffic injuries and action in tackling them.” It offers evidence-based recommendations and provides useful data for NGO advocates. The political and […]


OPINION: What Next for NGOs after the High-level Meeting

Following the High-level Meeting on Improving Global Road Safety, the Alliance’s Advocacy and Partnerships Director, Valeria Motta, has written an article on how NGOs can make sure that their governments take forward the outcomes of the High-level Meeting. Read it here: “The first ever UN High Level Meeting on Improving Road Safety (the HLM) has […]


Follow up on the High-level Meeting in Nigeria

Nigeria was one of 73 Member States that made a statement at the High-level Meeting on Improving Global Road Safety, one of 32 (44%) whose statement was delivered by a Minister, Ministry or road safety official, and one of only 10 (14%) that mentioned domestic government funding for road safety. Alliance member Greenlight Initiative has […]


Equal mobility rights for all: Free online course on disability awareness

One billion persons with disabilities, who comprise approximately 15% of the world’s population, are at higher risk of sustaining injuries from road crashes (according to data from Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST)). Vulnerable road users, especially persons with differing impairments, including physical, visual or hearing and cognitive impairments, are often socially excluded […]


NGO analysis of the High-level Meeting suggests glimpses of progress but concerning omissions

More than 80% of the 73 plenary statements made by Member States at the High-level Meeting on Improving Global Road Safety (High-level Meeting) on 30 June and 1 July 2022 at the UN Headquarters in New York, mentioned a national strategy for road safety. However, only 21% mentioned government funding for road safety. The Global […]