Liz Man

Statement on the Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting

Today, UN Member States will adopt the political declaration of the High-Level Meeting on Improving Global Road Safety (High-level Meeting). As representatives for civil society, we welcome the political declaration. We are especially encouraged that this has been a negotiated document, implying the involvement and commitment of all our countries and paving the way for […]


The Road Ahead: Essays

On 20 June 2022, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, released a book of essays entitled The Road Ahead, 26 Voices for Safe and Sustainable Mobility. Built around six sections, the book highlights how road safety must be embedded in all other Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on economic growth, environment, health, […]


Expectation for the High-level Meeting

On 30 June and 1 July 2022, UN Member States will gather for the first UN General Assembly High-level Meeting on Improving Global Road Safety (HLM). To get a sense of the importance and potential for the HLM, we spoke to several key figures within the UN system to get their perspectives. Abdulla Shahid, President […]


High-level Meeting: a Tool for Advocacy in Ecuador and Malawi

Updated: 15 February 2023 Organized under the theme: The 2030 horizon for road safety: securing a decade of action and delivery, the High-level Meeting (HLM) on Improving Global Road Safety will be held 30 June and 1 July 2022 in New York. Heads of State, Ministers, and countries’ permanent missions will meet with the purpose […]


iRAP highlights opportunities from the High-level Meeting

World leaders are set to attend the High-level Meeting (HLM) on Improving Global Road Safety under the theme: The 2030 horizon for road safety: securing a decade of action and delivery. It is organized under the leadership of the President of the UN General Assembly in New York on 30 June and 1 July 2022. […]


Safer Cycling Advocate Program brings cargo bikes to Valencia

Is cycling safe on our streets? The Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 recommends a shift to healthier and cleaner modes of transport, especially walking, cycling and public transit. As the world takes up safety and environmental sustainability, cycling becomes a great transport choice for many road users. This calls […]


#CommitToAct: Accountability in Argentina

In Argentina, Alliance members NGO MiNU Asociación Civil and ACTIVVAS used the #CommitToAct Streets for Life campaign to fuel advocacy for faster implementation of 30 km/h speed limits on urban streets and 50 km/h on avenues. The NGO’s aim was to hold their leaders accountable for an existing commitment for 30 km/h limits, which is […]


#CommitToAct: Building Parliamentary Support in Uganda

In Uganda, HOVITA and URRENO renewed their call for 30 km/h limits around schools. The two NGOs have jointly advocated for this measure for the past 18 months, through the Alliance Incubator Program and the UN Global Road Safety Week in May 2021. Last year they received a commitment from the Ministry of Transport to […]


300 Strong in 100 Countries

This month, the Alliance reached a new milestone of more than 300 members in 100 countries. Since the Alliance was founded in 2011, the Alliance NGO community has grown not only in number but in strength. They are increasingly becoming recognized as valuable partners by their governments in the achievement of the 2030 targets, bringing […]


A Call to Action for Ministers

Lotte Brondum, the Alliance’s Executive DIrector was invited to speak at the Ministerial Round Table on Meeting the Road Safety Challenge: Halving the Deaths and Injuries by 2030 at the International Transport Forum Annual Summit in Leipzig on 18 May 2022. This was a closed meeting with no audience. 10 Ministers including from Argentina,  Colombia, […]


#CommitToAct South Africa: Accountability for Commitment

During the UN Global Road Safety Week in 2021, South Africans Against Drunk Driving (SADD) received a commitment from the municipality of Cape Town, for 30 km/h limits around eight schools in Zonnebloem, during pick up and drop off times. A year on, the NGO is using the implementation of that commitment to build momentum […]


UN Road Safety Fund Open for Applications

Applications are open for the UN Road Safety Fund and NGOs are able to partner with UN agencies to apply. You can find all the information on the UNRSF website HERE. The UN Road Safety Fund helps low- and middle-income countries put in place proven actions to protect people on the road. It finances projects […]


NGO Registration Application for the High-level Meeting

Registration is open for NGOs wishing to apply to attend the High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety. Apply HERE. The deadline is 9 May 2022. Read HERE for further information on the event.


UNRSC Statement on the High-Level Meeting

27 members of the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) have made a joint statement regarding the High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety to be held 30 June–1 July 2022. We, the undersigned members of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, have been looking forward to the High-Level Meeting on Global Road Safety, set to take […]


#CommitToAct Tanzania: Public demand for 30 km/h limits in urban areas

In Tanzania, two Alliance member NGOs, Road Safety Ambassadors (RSA) Tanzania and Helmet Vaccine Initiative Tanzania (HVIT) and used the #CommitToAct Streets for Life campaign back-up their advocacy toward a specific focus on 30 km/h limits in urban areas. RSA chose a specific street, Shekilango Road in Dar es Salaam city where there are schools, […]


25 km/h School Zones in Punjab, India

School zones are becoming safer in the State of Punjab, India, as a result of a notification, issued in April 2022 and signed by the Governor of Punjab. The notification includes reduced speed limits of 25 km/h around schools for all categories of roads and vehicles, aligning it to national federal mandates and to international […]


30 km/h in Vietnam: Slow zones, safe zones

In Vietnam, AIP Foundation started advocating for school zone safety with two model schools in their program Slow Zones,Safe Zones. From this pilot, they scaled up and achieved an important milestone in August 2020 when the government in Gia Lai Province announced that it would set a new speed limit of school zone speed limits […]


Alliance Statement Regarding the High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety

Since it was mandated in UN Resolution A/RES/75/308, the Alliance has been looking to the High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety, set to take place 30 June 2022–1 July 2022, with an equal sense of excitement and hope. It has mobilized its member NGOs to engage their Heads of State to attend in order to […]


2021 Annual Report

We are delighted to share our 2021 Annual Report with you. It showcases how NGOs are influencing road safety action in their countries at city, provincial, and national levels, while also using their joint voice to bring their unique perspective to the global road safety agenda. Highlights include the UN Global Road Safety Week Streets […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome two new members that joined us recently. Full members LFR International is a U.S.-based international nonprofit organization focused post-crash response and emergency medical services development in low- and middle-income countries. The NGO launches sustainable prehospital emergency care programs in resource-limited settings without formal emergency medical services by collaborating with […]