Liz Man

We have a Plan: What Now? Panel Discussion

One of the main sessions at the Global Meeting was a panel discussion on We have a Plan? What Now? The panel brought together a mix of decision makers, NGOs and foundations, and corporate sector to discuss the next steps needed to make sure that the Global Plan is being put in place so that […]


PRESS RELEASE: Global Meeting Sets NGO Agenda for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030

25 March 2022, Budapest, Hungary Road safety NGOs have set out a call to action for governments in their countries: commit to act for people’s right to safe mobility and a 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030. The call to action, defined by members of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road […]


PRESS RELEASE: New Partnership in Latin America to Empower NGOs for Safer Roads

24 March 2022, Budapest, Hungary The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) is delighted to announce a new partnership with Michelin that will promote safer roads and sustainable mobility across Latin America by empowering and equipping road safety NGOs in the region. The partnership was announced today at the Seventh Global Meeting […]


COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: Nueva alianza en América Latina para empoderar a las ONG para calles más seguras

24 de marzo de 2022, Budapest, Hungría La Alianza Global de ONG para la Seguridad Vial (la Alianza) se complace en anunciar una nueva alianza con Michelin que promoverá calles más seguras y movilidad sostenible en América Latina al empoderar y equipar a las ONG de seguridad vial en la región. La alianza se anunció […]


Alliance Statement of Concern for the High-level Meeting Declaration Negotiations

Civil society is looking to the High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety (High-level Meeting), to be held in New York in June 2022, with an equal sense of excitement and hope. The second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030 (second Decade of Action) has begun, with its Global Plan in place, and the Supporting […]


Mobility rights in Mexico

Article updated 21 April 2022 Mexico is one of the few countries in the world where safe mobility is recognized as a constitutional right. In 2020, a reform of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States was approved to include mobility and road safety. It recognized the right to mobility and the competence of […]


NGOs’ Role in the Decade of Action Recognized

The Alliance is delighted that the work of NGOs has been recognized by the UN General Assembly President, Abdulla Shahid, in a letter to the Alliance. “The work of Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety will be critical to delivering on the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030,” the letter states. “I look […]


Global Plan: What Next?

The Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030 (Global Plan) was launched in October 2021 and many NGOs handed it over to their decision makers. This session was held to discuss the next steps on what we can expect from our leaders and what we can do about it as NGOs.  […]


A New Deal for Road Safety: Why We Need NGOs

The Alliance’s article A New Deal in Road Safety: Why We Need NGOs has been published in the Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS)’s Journal of Road Safety, Volume 33, Issue 1, 2022. The Alliance set out its advocacy objectives for 2022 in January, and now this article lays out the rationale behind them. It […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members and Friends

The Alliance is delighted to welcome two new members that joined us recently. Associate Members Road Safety Alert Foundation (ROSAF), Malawi, works toward reducing road deaths and injuries in alignment to the Decade of Action 2021-2030, through sensitization, advocacy, community mobilization, victim support, environmental conservation, and fighting road-aided human trafficking. It works with a network […]


Alliance calls for high-level commitment and investment

On Friday 3 December, in New York, US, the UN General Assembly President convened a meeting of Member States to prepare for the High-Level Meeting on Global Road Safety (High-Level Meeting) to be held June-July 2022. The meeting consisted of two sessions: the first discussed sustainable financing for road safety and the second, the role […]


Alliance Incubator coalition in Argentina for safer cyclists and 30 km/h limits

Updated 27 April 2022 In Argentina, a coalition of two Alliance members, Asociación Madres Del Dolor and Luchemos Por La Vida, has engaged the interest of 29 cities and municipalities, convincing them of the value of implementing cycle lanes and 30 km/h limits. So far, nine of them have made specific commitments and five have already implemented them. Now, […]


2021 Highlights

2021 has been another remarkable year for the Alliance and its members. See some of the highlights the Alliance and its members during 2021 in infographics, member pictures, and videos below. Overview The Alliance now has 290 members in 98 countries. This includes 34 new members this year. See our members. Alliance membership has been […]


Streets for Life Campaign Presented with Prince Michael International Road Safety Award

The Streets for Life #Love30 campaign for the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week has been presented with a 2021 Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. The prestigious award is presented each year to examples of outstanding international road safety initiatives.  The Streets for Life #Love30 campaign was organized under the auspices of the UN […]


PRESS RELEASE: 10 Years of NGO Empowerment and Mobilization

15 November 2021 Today, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) celebrates its 10th anniversary.  The Alliance was founded in 2011 to mobilize and empower NGOs during the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020. Since then, the Alliance and its 288 members in 98 countries have grown in number, capacity, and […]


COP26: Sustainable mobility a tool toward net zero

From 31 October to 12 November 2021, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is bringing together world leaders to urgently address with the aim of accelerating action toward the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. COP26 has drawn worldwide attention and a call to action from NGOs and […]


PRESS RELEASE: Right to Safe Mobility Puts People at the Heart of the Global Plan

28 October 2021 The Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 is launched today. It marks an important milestone in the continued effort to halve road deaths and injuries by 2030. The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) endorses the Global Plan. In particular, we welcome that it […]


Walking and Cycling Forum in Africa

One of the recommended actions in the Global Plan is a shift to toward walking, cycling and public transport, noting that by 2030 “urban mobility will exceed the capacity of systems that rely largely on private vehicles such as cars and motorcycles.” It endorses policies that lower speeds and prioritize the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport […]


Alliance Welcomes a New Member

The Alliance is delighted to welcome a new member that joined us recently. Full Members School Health Annual Report Programme (SHARP) runs scientifically-planned health programmes for school children, managed under the guidance of medical experts, sociologists, educationists, psychologists, nutritional specialists, and others. SHARP’s mission is to prevent, detect, address and resolve health problems increase educational […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members and Friends

The Alliance is delighted to welcome two new members and a new Friend of the Alliance that joined us recently. Full Members R-Safe Charitable Trust, India, was established in Chennai in 2014 to create a trust for public, social and charitable purposes. It organizes awareness programs for school and college students, corporate employees and executives, […]