Over 2.4 billion people are living with conditions that could benefit from rehabilitation, however more than 50% of people in many countries do not receive the necessary rehabilitation care they need.1 Rehabilitation services are crucial for people whose daily life functioning has been lost or impaired following a trauma. These services range from physical and […]
“When we talk about emergency care advocacy, we talk about advocating for resources, connecting with government, and raising public awareness. NGOs are critical to achieving this,” says Dr. Charles Mock, University of Washington and Global Alliance for Care for the Injured (GACI), and one of the authors of WHO’s recent publication Advocating for Emergency Care: […]
The connections between road safety and health are numerous: safe and active forms of mobility keep us fit and healthy, but unsafe, unclean mobility systems have seriously detrimental effects on our physical, mental, and emotional health. The physical damage caused by road crashes is the most obvious connection, but travel on polluted roads has also […]
Globally, 1.3 million preventable deaths and an estimated 50 million injuries occur each year while using road transport systems. Road crashes are also the leading cause of death for children and young adults 5–19 years of age. The state of road safety has degraded in the last few years. At the prevailing trajectory, it is […]
The 2023 UN Road Safety Week campaign will focus on modal shift, under the theme #RethinkMobility, and it will seek to promote safer cycling, walking and public transport. As part of the week’s #RethinkMobility campaign, the Alliance will organize a live streamed event Live from Leipzig: Rethinking Mobility (Rethinking Mobility). We invite you to tune […]
A social media campaign will run throughout the UN Global Road Safety Week, using social media banners, photos, and video clips to push for government commitment and action to #RethinkMobility and achieve a 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030. Please join us at 14:00 CET on Wednesday 17 May 2023 for a […]
According to the Uganda police force’s Annual Crime Report, over 12,000 road traffic crashes occurred in 2019, of which 3,400 were fatal, leading to over 14,000 deaths. Pedestrians, including school children, are among the most affected. In 2021, two Alliance member NGOs, the Uganda Road Accident Reduction Network Organization (URRENO) and Hope for Victims of […]