In Peru in July, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications decreed a new traffic regulation (Supreme Decree No. 025-2021-MTC), which among a raft of other changes, modifies maximum speeds in urban areas set out in the national traffic regulation. The decree amends the maximum limit to 50 km/h on avenues, and 30 km/h on urban […]
In February 2021, the Alliance worked with 16 of its member NGOs in India to build capacity for awareness and implementation of the Good Samaritan Law and to develop action plans that would see the law finally implemented across India. The Good Samaritan Law was passed on 30 March 2016 through a High Court Judgement […]
In 2019, the Alliance and the International Road Federation (IRF Geneva), supported by the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme, launched the LEARN program, starting first in Kenya and Senegal, and expanding in 2020–2021 with additional support from Total Energies Foundation, to Cameroon, Uganda, Togo, and Zambia. The program uses multi-sectoral coalitions in each country, co-ordinated […]
Budapest, 2 August 2021 The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) is delighted to be the recipient of US$161,000* raised at a gala dinner in Budapest, Hungary on 30 July 2021, hosted by Jean Todt, the UN Secretary General’s Envoy for Road Safety and FIA President, and László Palkovics, Ministry for Innovation […]
The Alliance is delighted to welcome three new members that joined us recently. Full members Woman and Child Health Education Trust (WOCHET), India, was founded in 2018 with the aim of providing a sustainable platform for the children and women in need and to raise awareness of health related issues. WOCHET reaches out to the […]
We are delighted to welcome our first Friend of the Alliance. Shane O’Connor is well-known to many in the road safety NGO community as a long-term supporter of the Alliance and its members through his role as Communications Advisor at FedEx. Shane is a valuable advisor and motivator, always willing to share his knowledge, connections, […]
NGOs in Argentina have been using the UN Global Road Safety Week campaign to push for 30 km/h limits in urban settings where people and vehicles mix, using the connection to cycling advocacy as a hook. Asociación Madres del Dolor and Luchemos Por La Vida have been working together with mayors in and around Buenos […]
In 2017, the Kenyan parliament passed the Child Safety Amendment Act, which introduced speed limits around schools where possible, speed calming where limits could not be reduced, regulation of school transport, and statutory penalties for breaking these measures. Most elements of the law, which had been drafted by a coalition of NGOs, were adopted as […]
In Moldova, 63% of people in a survey conducted by ACM supported 30 km/h streets in urban settings and 92% around schools. The survey was part of ACM’s baseline study under the EASST “Working towards policy change for Safe School Zones” program which is supporting EASST partners to advocate for 30 km/h limits in school […]
“There is an over-reliance on the criminal justice system and the police to address health and social issues including the enforcement of COVID-19 regulations.” Accountability International began the Challenging Criminalisation Globally Project as a way to catalyse multi-movement and inter-movement involvement in rethinking and re-strategizing around how a larger variety of stakeholders can challenge criminalisation […]
In New Zealand, UN Global Road Safety Week coincides with the national road safety week, held every year. National monuments, including the Auckland Harbour Bridge are illuminated in yellow and activities take place around the country. Brake New Zealand took the opportunity to promote the #Love30 #StreetsforLife message, mobilizing 950 community groups to participate in […]
During UN Global Road Safety Week, South Africans Against Drunk Driving (SADD) obtained the commitment of Alderman Felicity Purchase, the Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, City of Cape Town, who holds the ability to change speed limits in the local area, to reduce speed limits around most schools in the Zonnebloem area of Cape Town […]
Congratulations to our NGOs on their reach and impact during the UN Global Road Safety Week.
The Alliance is delighted to welcome seven new members that joined us recently. Full members Lalana, Madagascar, was created in 1998 by a team of engineers and technicians eager to contribute to the development of the country through an innovative approach, and united around strong values: initiative, professionalism and creativity. Its objectives are to increase […]
The Alliance is delighted to welcome 13 new members that joined us recently. This is the first month that we have been able to welcome both full and associate members. Read more about membership and how to apply HERE. Full members: Fundación Emilia Silva Figueroa Víctimas de Accidentes, Chile, was founded as a result of a […]
On 11 May 2021, in Spain, 30 km/h became the default speed limit for all urban areas across the country. According to an estimate by the DGT state traffic authority, the new measure will affect between 60% and 70% of roads, although this percentage will of course vary from city to city. Implementation of the […]
Lebanon is facing increasingly difficult times. Following the dramatic Beirut blast on 4 August 2020, as well as the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, the country is dealing with a deteriorating financial and economic situation. The violation of traffic laws is increasing, road maintenance is absent due to the financial crisis, and the general population is focused […]
In Ecuador, Fundación CAVAT are celebrating inclusion of 30 km/h in a new traffic law, that is currently passing through the two chambers of the National Assembly. The NGO has been advocating specifically for 30 km/h limits for urban areas since 2017, without success, until now. The new traffic law has provided an opportunity to […]
In Pakistan, the Streets for Life UN Global Road Safety Week is an opportunity to highlight ongoing advocacy for 30 km/h limits around school zones. During the Week, the Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) will meet with elected representatives of the provincial government, to ask them to raise a bill in the provincial assembly to […]
Fundación Conciencia Vial’s original plan for the UN Global Road Safety Week was to develop a 30 km/h pilot zone together with the municipality of Ñuñoa, Chile, to demonstrate the benefits of low-speed streets to the community and other authorities. However, Ñuñoa’s technical team was so enthusiastic that the project grew from a small pilot […]