Les Ambassadeurs de la Sécurité Routière (ASR) has a track record of successful government advocacy and mass awareness campaigns. For its #CommitToAct campaign, it is focusing on the issue of 30 km/per hour speed limits outside schools. The campaign demand builds on a commitment received by ASR in the first phase of #CommitToAct in 2019. […]
On 1 December 2020, decision makers from Colombia, Vietnam, and the European Union, joined a roundtable organized by the Alliance to discuss progress on commitments that their governments had made as part of the 2019 #CommitToAct campaign and which are featured on the Alliance’s Commitment Tracker. Panelists included Director Luis Felipe Lota and Ms. Maria […]
How can NGOs have better collaborations with legislators and which countries are doing it well? How can continuity be ensured when governments and staff change? Why have so few countries ratified the Africa Road Safety Charter? These were some of the issues deliberated by Members of Parliament representing the African Regional Network of Road Safety […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome two new members, adding two new countries to our reach. Fundación Conciencia Vial, Chile, is a nonprofit organization that promotes safety and sustainability as key and priority attributes of mobility, through various educational initiatives and projects. It aims to sensitize society as a whole, from public opinion to individual […]
The tagline of this year’s #CommitToAct campaign is “Our roads, our right” and builds on the concept that safe roads and journeys are the right of every citizen, and it is the responsibility of our authorities to ensure that those rights are upheld. The case for road safety as a right The idea of safety […]
Last year, as part of the first phase of #CommitToAct, Thiago Gonzaga Foundation held a Round the World Roundtable that resulted in a commitment and an agreement between the NGO, the municipality in Porto Alegre, and the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) for the Safe Path project to assess school zones in the city using […]
In India, ArriveSAFE is using the #CommitToAct campaign alongside its existing advocacy to call on state and federal authorities and implementing agencies to fulfill their obligation to incorporate safety requirements in road construction on highways and to improve conditions for pedestrians in Chandigarh. The issue Ignored safety requirements for new and upgrading roads Harman Sidhu, […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the three new members that joined recently. Centrum Inicjatyw na rzecz poprawy Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego (CIBRD), Poland, implements programs to reduce the number of road crashes and number of traffic victims in Poland. It has implemented a knowledge center and created an alliance for road safety in the country. […]
Equipping NGOs be at the Forefront of the New Normal 26 October 2020 FedEx Express Europe and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) last week delivered milestone training sessions in three Balkan cities as part of their ongoing Safer Cycling Advocacy Program (SCAP). The Safer Cycling Advocacy Program (SCAP) was launched […]
New Training Program Equips NGOs to Campaign for Safe Post-Pandemic Recovery in Africa 26 October 2020, Nairobi, Kenya Last week in Nairobi, Kenya, 24 NGOs from 15 countries in Africa took part in a training program co-organized by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) and the UN Environment Share the Road […]
In this article, Manoelle Lepoutre, Senior Vice-President, Civil Society Engagement, Total S.A., answers our questions on the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety, bringing private sector view to our series of perspectives on the resolution. What is your reaction to the new UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety? “We, at TOTAL, are delighted […]
Road traffic crashes are the leading cause of death of children and young people. Any strategy that seeks to address the global road safety crisis needs to take account of the needs of young people. The Global Youth Coalition brings together young activists from around the world, taking action on safer mobility and championing meaningful […]
Olive Kobusingye, Senior Research Fellow, Makerere University School of Public Health and Distinguished Fellow of The George Institute for Global Health, University of New South Wales, Australia, is an expert in Public Health with an interest in road safety. You may remember her from our recent live session COVID-19 and Health Systems. As an expert […]
The UN Resolution presents a wider perspective on road safety than previous instruments and commitments. Among other concerns, it connects road safety to the environmental agenda. To get a viewpoint on this aspect of the resolution, we spoke to Carly Gilbert-Patrick, Share the Road Global Programme Lead at the UN Environment Programme. “Our planet has […]
The Stockholm Declaration, which was the key outcome of the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, was a key milestone in the adoption of the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety. The declaration is endorsed in the resolution and informs many of its calls to action. The resolution represents a success for the […]
“NGOs play a crucial role in striving to meet the goals of the UN resolution,” says Natalie Draisin, Director, North American Office, and United Nations Representative for the FIA Foundation. Natalie’s role with the FIA Foundation means that she is often a link between the UN sphere and the NGO world. Here, we ask Natalie […]
In this article Lotte Brondum, Executive Director of the Alliance, shares her perspectives on the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety. “The adoption of the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety is a success for the road safety community, especially the Member States that sponsored it, in particular the Swedish government, which has […]
The #50by30 campaign was one of the big advocacy exercises in the lead up to the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety. The campaign pushed for inclusion of a target to reduce road deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030 in the resolution. It was designed and led by the Towards Zero Foundation and […]
On 4 August 2020, a huge explosion rocked the port area of Beirut, Lebanon, leading to more than 180 deaths, 7000-plus injuries and destruction of property that has made more than 300,000 people homeless. Local and international NGOs and governmental organizations responded with medical support and supplies, reconstruction, and emergency food and supplies for those […]
In November 2019, Associación Madres del Dolor received a commitment from the president of the House of Representatives, the national legislative body in Argentina, to create a victims’ observatory, as a way for those affected by road crashes and other violent acts to work with Congress to create bills and change laws. The commitment was […]