
Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome two new members who joined us recently: Myanmar Organization for Road Safety (MORS) was established in 2016 to raise awareness of road safety and save the lives of school children. It provides training to road users about the importance of wearing a helmet, wearing a seat belt, sticking to speed […]


Round the World Roundtable: Safer School Zones in Brazil

According to the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018, road traffic injury is the leading cause of death for young people aged 5–19 around the world. Thousands of children are killed or seriously injured each day, often on their way to or from school. For this reason, it is crucial that road safety is […]


Round the World Roundtable: 60 Schools to Become Safer in Benin

Children are the most vulnerable road users in Benin, with thousands suffering from death or injury each year on their way to or from school. On 31 October 2019, Alliance member ONG ALINAGNON hosted a Round the World Roundtable in Cotonou, Benin, to discuss the improvement of road safety around schools. The roundtable was organised […]


Round the World Roundtable: 50 Leaders Tackle Road Safety in the Philippines

According to WHO, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists are the most vulnerable road users. In the Philippines, 27.7 million children walk or use other forms of transport to commute to school each day. In 2017 alone, around 600 children aged 0-14 died as a result of road traffic crashes in the country. Children in the Philippines […]


World Day of Remembrance: New Song in Philippines

In honor of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, Filipino singer and composer, Monica Fernandez together with Eugene Montenero, a well-known Swiss-Italian composer, have released an original song titled “Save More Lives”. Working with Alliance member Project C.A.R.E.S. (Community Activities Reaching to Everyone through Services) Inc., the song is dedicated to road […]


World Day of Remembrance: Social Media Advocacy in Nepal

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is an important occasion to remember those who have been killed or seriously injured in road traffic crashes, along with those who are grieving lost ones.  It is often also a catalyst for advocacy to stop more of these devastating, preventable tragedies. Swatantrata Abhiyan Nepal (SAN)’s World […]


World Day Of Remembrance: Remembering the Names in Brazil

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is held on the third Sunday of November each year. It is a day to remember those killed on the world’s roads, their families, and friends, to thank the emergency services and reflect on the tremendous burden of road crashes. Around the world, individuals, NGOs, and other […]


Round the World Roundtable: Safer Roads for all in Bangladesh

On Sunday 27 October 2019, Nirapad Sarak Chai (We Demand Safe Road) hosted a Round the World Roundtable in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Last year in Dhaka, an unlicensed bus driver was speeding in a race against another bus and drove into a bus stop, killing two high school students and injuring 12 others. The tragic incident […]


Thank you for Sharing the People’s Survey

All over the world, the People’s Survey was shared among communities via social media, community events and speaking engagements. Here are a snapshot of some of the ways that NGOs collected responses but many other wonderful NGOs also played their part. A special mention to our NGOs in Greece, especially Road Safety Institute Panos Mylanos […]


Fifth Australasian Road Safety Conference

The 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference was held in Adelaide, Australia in September 2019. The theme of the conference was the role of leaders and the community in achieving Vision Zero. This year, for the first time, three Alliance members were among five participants to receive Low- and Middle-Income Country (LMIC) scholarships to attend the […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome three new members who joined us recently.  Lakeshore Hope and Relief Zambia, founded in 2015 by Mr. Jones Shamalambo and other road crash victims, aims to reduce the number of preventable deaths and injuries caused by road incidents in Zambia. By centring on victims of road traffic crashes as […]


Round the World Roundtable: Protecting Good Samaritans in India

In 2016, the Supreme Court of India passed a Good Samaritan law to protect bystanders who come to the aid of those injured on the roads. With over 140,000 traffic related deaths per year in India, half of which could be prevented by timely medical attention, the role of the bystander is critical to the […]


LEARN Training in Senegal

This week, representatives from national and local governments, NGOs, the private sector, media and academia have taken part in a two-day training workshop in Senegal designed to equip and mobilize different partners to join forces to improve road safety data. The data training culminated in a joint concrete action plan to assess risks, improve conditions, […]


Sweden 2020: Program Announced

This week, the preliminary program for the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety was released. The conference will be held in Sweden on 19-20 February 2020 and its theme is Achieving Global Goals. The conference is extremely important because it marks the end of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2010 (Decade of […]


Demo leads to Post-Crash Commitment

Fast, effective post-crash care saves lives. This month, Alliance member NGO Bien Argentino held a demo with the emergency services using a helicopter to show how transporting a road victim to hospital quickly can make a big difference. A helicopter takes 20-30 minutes to reach the nearest hospital in the Neuquen area, whereas an ambulance […]


Think Big but Start Small. Act Now!

Harpreet Singh, of Avoid Accident, India, was among the 21 Alliance Advocates trained in Delhi in November 2018. For Harpreet, one key message from Advocate training stood out: “Think big, start small, act quickly.” Harpreet has been a well-known face in road safety in his home state of Punjab and at national level for many years, […]


Have you Been Saved by a Seat Belt?

Did you know that wearing a seat belt can increase the chances of surviving a car crash by up to 70 per cent? In many countries across Eastern Europe, Central Asian, the Caucasus and South-East Europe, there is a common misconception that you are safer in a road traffic crash if you do not use […]


Safer School Zone in Jaipur

In November 2018, 21 Alliance Advocates from around Asia were trained to advocate for safer school zones using a demonstration project. Each one selected a target school in their home city to replicate the project. Now, nine months on, Advocates are seeing success.  Om Sharma, President of Safe Drive Save Life, India, was one of […]


Third Session of the UN Road Safety Trust Fund Advisory Board

The UN Road Safety Trust Fund (UNRSF) was set up in 2018 to boost funding efforts for road safety, which lag far behind funding levels for other non-communicable diseases despite now being the eighth leading cause of death globally. This month in Geneva, the UN Road Safety Trust Fund (UNRSF) Advisory Board had their third […]


Round the World Roundtable: Commitment for Safe Mobility for Women

On Saturday, 7 September 2019, the Civil Association Working Against Insecurity and Road Violence (ACTIVVAS) hosted a Round the World Roundtable in Neuquén, Argentina. The roundtable was organized by Ema Cibotti, ACTIVVAS President, alongside Fabian Garcia, Secretary of Urban Mobility of the municipality of Neuquén, and Javier Soto Mellado, Undersecretary of Urban Planning and Projects, […]