
Round the World Roundtables Come to Europe

The Round the World Roundtables came to Europe this week as part of the opening ceremony for European Mobility Week, which started today. Violeta Bulc, the EU Commissioner for Transport, and Mikael Nyberg, representing Finland, which currently holds the EU presidency, presented the EU’s and Member States’ commitment to reducing road deaths and serious injuries […]


LEARN: Mobilizing partnerships and building an evidence base to improve road safety

Nairobi, Kenya, 10 September 2019 This week, representatives from national governments, NGOs, the private sector, and academia have been taking part in a two-day training workshop designed to equip and mobilize different partners to join forces to improve road safety data. The data training culminated in a joint concrete action plan to assess risks, improve […]


Decade of Action survey

You are invited to participate in a research study under the direction of Drs Margie Peden (George Institute for Global Health at the University of Oxford), Adnan Hyder (Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University and Chair of M&E project group) and Meleckidzedeck Khayesi (WHO) who have been requested by the […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome the three new members that joined us recently. Creando Conciencia, Argentina, run projects that raise awareness and training about road risk that empower students to be active and responsible on the road, analyzing road risks.  They encourage students to remember that they are participants in society and it is important to […]


Long Awaited Motor Vehicle Amendments Bill in India

On 5 August 2019 in India, the long-awaited Motor Vehicle (Amendments) Act was passed. It is hoped that the new act will help to reduce the 31,000 road traffic fatalities that occur in India every year. Alliance member and other road safety NGOs in India have campaigned hard for the contents of the act. A summary […]


LEARN with the Alliance and IRF (Geneva)

The Alliance is working with the International Road Federation, IRF (Geneva), funded by the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme, on a program that combines the training and capacity building expertise of both organizations. Learn, Examine, Review, Act, Replicate, Network (LEARN) develops the knowledge and skills of government agencies, engineers, FIA clubs, teachers, NGOs, journalists, the private sector, and […]


A Crash is No Accident

During National Road Victim Month in the UK, Alliance member RoadPeace is focusing on the way that the use of the word “accident” to describe a crash affects the way that it is perceived. “Accident” implies that nothing could have been done to prevent it and that the death toll on our roads is the […]


Round the World Roundtables in Ecuador and Colombia

The Alliance is proud to report that two Round the World Roundtables have taken place in South America this week, with commitments from national governments signed and handed to Jean Todt, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety. The commitments were handed over using the same baton as seen in at the first Round the World […]


Run a #CommitToAct Day

The Alliance is encouraging NGOs around the world to organize #CommitToAct days to show their leaders that their citizens want action on road safety. It’s easy to get involved: Choose a date between September and December 2019. Invite community members and decision makers. Hold your event outside your national government building or another significant landmark. Make […]


People’s Survey launched

The Alliance and Accountability International have launched the People’s Survey. The survey will collect the experiences of citizens around the world and show the scale and human impact of road traffic crashes. The survey has been published in English but other languages will follow.  Please complete the survey and share it with your friends, families, […]


Sign the People’s Declaration

At the Global Meeting, an NGO Declaration was handed to the Government of Sweden. This declaration has now been summarized into the People’s Declaration so that citizens around the world can sign it to demand that their governments COMMIT to put people first and ACT on those commitments to save lives on the road. Sign […]


Alliance Granted UN Consultative Status

The Alliance is proud to announce that we have been granted United Nations (UN) consultative status. UN consultative status is the highest status granted by the United Nations to NGOs and means that we are able to participate in the work of the UN and contribute directly to its agenda. Specifically, we will be able […]


#Roads4Life Storytelling Contest

The Global Road Safety Fund has launched the African Road Safety Observatory (#ARSO) #Roads4Life Storytelling Contest launched by the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP).  Share your stories for a chance to become a #Roads4Life champion and win a trip to SSATP’s Annual General Meeting (November 2019). The campaign is now open until August 31, 2019. […]


Postgraduate Courses for Road Safety Professionals

For road safety professionals looking to give their work an academic grounding, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) is offering postgraduate courses in road safety. The postgraduate programs are offered through the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and are designed to build capacity at global, national, and local levels around the world to address the road […]


First General Assembly of the African Road Safety Observatory

The African Road Safety Observatory (ARSO) was launched last year to address the need for a coordinated road safety response among countries in Africa, through systematic data collection and analysis and exchange of knowledge and best practices. This week, in Durban, South Africa, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP, an international […]


European Commission to hold a Round the World Roundtable

As part of the official launch of this year’s European Mobility Week on 16 September 2019, European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, will be hosting a European Road Safety Roundtable as part of the series of Round the World Roundtables organized by the Alliance during the lead-up to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, in […]


Summit Highlights Need for Better Data for International Travellers

“Tourism accounts for one tenth of the global GDP and is a key driver of economic growth,” said Rochelle Sobel, Founder and President of the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT), at its inaugural road safety travel summit last month. She highlighted that tourists are particularly vulnerable road users; with road crashes are the single […]


First Global Fleet Champion Award Announced in Kenya

The first Global Fleet Champion Award for Fleet Action and Analysis was awarded to Easy Coach Ltd, Kenya during the Fifth United Nations (UN) Global Road Safety Week last month. The award was presented to Easy Coach by Pamoja Road Safety Initiative during a meeting convened by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) and is […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome three new members that joined us recently.  The National Alliance for Road Safety (ANASEVI), Mexico, is a coalition of organizations and citizens, from across Mexico, that focuses on promoting road safety and sustainable mobility. Its Road Safety Observatory monitors progress towards the UN´s Decade of Action 2011-2020 goals and […]


Uganda on the Road to Sweden

The Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety will be held 19–20 February 2020, in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference is targeted at national government ministers and aims to achieve global consensus among national government ministers for a continued global effort toward 2030. It is vital that NGOs start engaging relevant ministers and their departments, to explain […]