
Mobility Snapshot story: advocacy contributes to landmark 20 km/h speed limit in Azerbaijan

The intersection of Asadov Street and School No. 4 In Sumqayit, Azerbaijan, the speed limit at the intersection of Asadov Street and School No. 4 has been set to 20 km/h, exceeding the advocacy demand of National Automobile Club of Azerbaijan (AMAK) for 30 km/h. This advocacy success came following AMAK’s Mobility Snapshot at the […]


Mobility Snapshot story: social media-based advocacy spurs road safety improvements in Addis Ababa

New pedestrian crossing installed in CMC Adebabye intersection in Addis Ababa. © Save the Nation In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Save the Nation has used their large social media following on TikTok to create community demand from the government for safer roads. This has led to quick progress in improving pedestrian safety at the CMC Adebabye intersection, a […]


Mobility Snapshot story: stronger partnerships for improved safety in Salinas, Ecuador

Movidana showing safe road designs with evidence-based interventions to the Mayor of Salinas and the Director of Mobility. © Movidana More than 1,500 school children pass the intersection at Avenida Carlos Espinoza and Calle 7, a critical intersection near two of the largest schools in Salinas, Ecuador. In May 2024, Fundación Ciudadana de Movilidad y Seguridad […]


Expression of Interest: Alliance-IMOB Hasselt University Safe System Approach short course

The Alliance in collaboration with the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) from Hasselt University, Belgium is excited to announce a new capacity building opportunity for our member NGOs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This initiative supports the Alliance Strategy to continuously build the capacity of our member NGOs through partnerships with expert organizations and professionals […]


On Track or Off Target?

Join us for our next online event marking the third anniversary of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. The session will be held on Thursday 31 October at 14:00 CET. Note: that the European time zone will change to daylight saving the weekend before the session so use the […]


Africa Chapter annual meeting highlights: strengthening NGO capacity and advocacy

The Africa Chapter of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, supported by the TotalEnergies Foundation, held its annual online meeting on 25 September 2024. During this meeting, members reviewed the capacity development of NGOs in Africa, drawing on the outcomes of the learning needs assessment conducted in 2020. This assessment identified key areas […]


Editorial: prioritizing safe mobility for all

Safe walking, cycling, and motorbiking are integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These modes of transport, which are accessible, affordable, and environmentally sustainable, enable individuals to move around for work, education, and daily activities. When road environments are made safe, they reduce inequalities and enhance opportunities for marginalized groups, particularly women, young people, […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome six new members who joined recently. Full members CAMINA Centro de Estudios de Movilidad Peatonal A.C., Mexico is dedicated to transforming cities to promote active mobility. The organization conducts research, designs projects, and engages communities to improve the relationship between individuals and their built and social environments. CAMINA focuses on […]


Helmet safety: confronting counterfeits and affordability in low- and middle-income countries

“The counterfeit helmet industry has become very good at producing counterfeit helmets, making it challenging for people who don’t study helmets to identify the real ones.” – Terry Smith, Principal Scientist, Galeatus, LLC. Despite the proven benefits of certified helmets, many riders, especially in low-income countries, face challenges in accessing quality protection. In this interview, […]


Ensuring safe helmets for all: Safety 2024 workshop

People want and expect to be protected when they buy a motorcycle helmet. However, they are often let down by the proliferation of non-standard and fake helmets.  On Sunday 1 September in Delhi, India, the Alliance held a “walkshop” with support from Uber, as part of the Safety 2024 pre-conference program to investigate the availability […]


Apply now for the 3rd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety

Youth for Road Safety (YOURS) has announced that applications are now open for the 3rd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety. The Assembly will be held on 15 – 16 February 2025 in Marrakech, Morocco as an official side event to the Fourth Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, where world leaders are expected to […]


Mobility Snapshot advocacy drives improvement in pedestrian safety infrastructure in Buenos Aires

In Argentina, Asociación Madres del Dolor has used findings from its Mobility Snapshot to obtain government commitment to construct a new pedestrian crossing and a ramp to improve accessibility at the intersection of Blanco Encalada St and Sucre Av in San Isidro, Buenos Aires. This intersection presents significant safety challenges for the 320 pedestrians and […]


Success story: Safe Kids Malaysia’s advocacy contributes to 30 km/h school zones in Malaysia 

The Malaysian government recently made an announcement to lower speed limits from 40 km/h to 30 km/h and introduce traffic calming measures in school zones to enhance the safety of schoolchildren. The announcement, made by Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, marks a significant step forward in protecting children who are amongst the most vulnerable […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome two new members who joined recently. Associate members Alliance For Science, Ethiopia is dedicated to bridging the communication gap between scientists and the public in Ethiopia. Legally registered under Ethiopian law, the organization promotes science advocacy and communication across various fields, including health, environment, education, and space science. The organization […]


Editorial: stronger together, partnerships for safer roads

Collaboration is one of the four Alliance’s values set out in our Strategic Plan 2024–2030. Together and allied, harnessing our different strengths for a shared goal, our voice will always be stronger. In the run up to the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Morocco next year, a unified civil society voice continues to be of […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome six new members who joined recently. Full member 20’s Plenty for Us, UK is a not-for-profit organization established in 2007 and now operating as 20’s Plenty for Us CIC. The organization advocates for a 20mph speed limit on streets where people and motor vehicles coexist, aiming to enhance the quality […]


Editorial: Tracking change, NGOs in road safety advocacy

A recent Mobility Snapshot by GreenLight Initiative in Abuja, Nigeria, revealed that 1,488 people used the Utako market and A.E. Ekukinam Street intersection during peak hour. Yet, the intersection did not have traffic signals or crossings to protect pedestrians. These 1,488 people’s daily journeys and right to safe mobility have been overlooked. The Mobility Snapshot […]


PRESS RELEASE: Accountability Tracker helps NGOs measure advocacy impact

Today, we announce the addition of the Accountability Tracker to our Accountability Toolkit. The Accountability Tracker (the Tracker) empowers NGOs globally to monitor the progress of their advocacy and their government’s response toward reducing road-related fatalities and injuries by 50% by 2030. This innovative tool helps NGOs keep meticulous records of their advocacy progress with their governments. […]


Editorial: transforming streets, prioritizing pedestrian safety

Our 2024 #CommitToAct campaign highlights unsafe journeys and demands safer conditions. Using Mobility Snapshots, road safety activists assess intersections from a pedestrian perspective, demonstrating the need for life-saving interventions. So far, the snapshots from our members have revealed critical concerns and deficiencies in road infrastructure that should protect pedestrians. They have highlighted that frequently used […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome five new members who joined recently. Full members Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM), Switzerland is the governing body of motorcycle sport and the global advocate for motorcycling. In order to more easily promote motorcycling, the FIM has spent many decades of its 120 years working to make motorcycling safer and […]