
Defensive Driving in Electric Cars

Adel Metni Foundation is named after the well-known Lebanese rally driver and founded by his son Georges. As well as being a rally driver, Adel Metni was heavily involved in road safety in Lebanon and the Foundation continues this work.  One of the Foundation’s main focuses is defensive driver training, empowering drivers to anticipate risks […]


EASST New Road Safety Education Pack

Alliance member the Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST) has launched a new, free-of-charge road safety education short-course to give teachers the capacity and resources they need to lead effective road safety education in schools and communities globally. The EASST Road Safety Education Pack is a free, global teaching resource that provides stimulating […]


#CommitToAct at the European Commission

Lotte Brondum, Executive Director, presented the Alliance’s #CommitToAct campaign at the High Level Group on Road Safety at the European Commission this month. The High Level Group includes ministerial representatives from countries within the European Union (EU). Lotte called for EU governments to commit and take specific action to further reduce road fatalities in the run up […]


#SpeakUp doesn’t end here: #CommitToAct

The Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week finished yesterday but we continue to #SpeakUp loudly for road safety leadership. It is our role as NGOs and we are persistent for change. The demands you made during the UN Global Road Safety Week still matter and the commitments given by decision makers must be followed up. […]


PRESS RELEASE: Round the World Roundtable

Vietnam commits to United Nations road crash prevention goals at Round the World Roundtable 19 March, 2019 – Hanoi, Vietnam Leading up to the 3rd United Nations Ministerial Meeting scheduled in Sweden in February 2020, Vietnam has been selected to launch a 5-continent initiative organized by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety. The […]


Nominations Open for the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards

Since 1987 HRH Prince Michael of Kent has played a leading role in supporting improved road safety both in the United Kingdom and around the world. The Prince first established his awards scheme in the UK and now fully international, the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards recognise achievement and innovation in road safety worldwide. […]


Amend wins WRI Ross Prize for Cities

Amend has been awarded the inaugural World Resources Institute (WRI) Ross Prize for its School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI) program. The WRI Ross Prize for Cities was created “to elevate examples of urban transformation around the world and inspire others to learn from these changes.” It is sponsored by business leader and […]


Commitment in Tunisia

On May 20 2019, the President of Tunisia announced the creation of a supreme committee for road safety attached to the presidential office. This is a significant move because it brings together all the fragmented elements of road safety in different government departments and other organizations in one committee under supervision of the President’s office.  […]


Alliance Welcomes Two New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome two new members that joined us recently. Observatoire Guinéen de la Sécurité Routière et de la Mobilité Urbaine (OBSERMU), Guinea, has a main objective to contribute to the reduction of road traffic fatalities and promote sustainable mobility for all in the Republic of Guinea. It does this through: 1. […]


#Speak Up: I Demand a Safe School Zone

Kenya is fortunate to have a strong coalition of road safety NGOs working together. These NGOs also have a good relationship with the lead government agency for road safety, the National Transport And Safety Authority. The UN Global Road Safety Week is enshrined in legislation and so on Monday 6 May, the NTSA alongside the […]


#SpeakUp: I Demand Enforcement of the Children’s Safety on Motorcycles Act

Persistence is important when we #SpeakUp. Meaningful change does not happen overnight and persistence is needed. In the Philippines, it has been a long journey to implement and enforce the “Children’s Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015,” which prevents a child from travelling on a two-wheeler motorcycle unless the child can reach the foot peg, […]


#SpeakUp: I demand 30 km/ph Speed Limits Around Schools

In Senegal, the majority of children walk to school. Children account for 13% of road fatalities in the country. As the demand for its UN Global Road Safety Week campaign, LASER International are calling the Ministry of Infrastructure, the National Assembly, and Network of Parliamentarians for Road Safety for mandatory 30km/h speed limits around schools, […]


#SpeakUp: I demand that my government attends Sweden 2020

In February 2020, the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety will be held in Sweden. Previous ministerial conferences have acted as catalysts for governments to take action on road safety. In Iran, Road Safety Pioneers (RSP) has made it one of their UN Global Road Safety Week demands to ask a government minister to […]


#SpeakUp: I demand the right to walk

  This week, during UN Global Road Safety Week, Alliance member Patiala Foundation are speaking up about the right to walk of citizens in Patiala as part of a longer term, multi-stage campaign. The campaign already has the commitment of the local authorities, who are implementing road improvements to install and reinstate footpaths and separate […]


Global Meeting: High-Level Symposium Highlights

The High-Level Symposium hosted by the Alliance and Towards Zero Foundation was an opportunity for NGOs to discuss and hear the views of experts on the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020, the Sustainable Development Goals and road safety policy toward 2030, with a focus on the upcoming Third Global Ministerial Conference in Sweden. […]


PRESS RELEASE: Fedex Road Safety Award Celebrates NGO Role Models

23 April 2019 Three road safety NGOs have been presented with the FedEx Road Safety Award. The awards are presented biannually to NGO members of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance). This year’s awards celebrate three organizations that have significantly grown their capacity to achieve national and international significance, influencing national […]


The Road to Sweden 2020

From the regional meetings, to the High-Level Symposium, to the morning session on the final day, preparations for the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety (Sweden 2020) were one of the key topics at the Global Meeting. On the final day of the Global Meeting, Anders Lie, Special Advisor, Division of Transport and Society, […]


Amend Win First World Resources Institute Ross Prize

Congratulations to Amend for winning the inaugural World Resources Institute (WRI) Ross Prize for Cities, a $250,000 award focusing on urban transformation for its School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI) program, which  was chosen from among 200 applicants by a world-class jury of experts.  WRI is a global research organization that spans more than […]


Jean Todt and Michelle Yeoh open Global Meeting Poster Exhibition

The Global Meeting kicked off in style with the poster exhibition opened by Jean Todt, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety and Michelle Yeoh, Global Road Safety Ambassador. 44 Alliance member NGOs presented posters of their best practice programs. Mr. Todt and Ms. Yeoh visited each one and heard about the challenges and […]


Press Release: NGOs call for life-saving commitment to reduce road deaths and injuries

10 April 2019, Chania, Greece NGOs and global road safety stakeholders gathering this week in Chania, Greece, will call for governments around the world to commit to saving lives by reducing road deaths and injuries in their countries by 50% by 2030 and accepting the help of NGOs to achieve this challenging target.  Every year, […]