
Are you ready for UN Global Road Safety Week?

The Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) will be held 6–12 May 2019, with the theme of Save Lives #SpeakUp. The week will focus on road safety leadership, and participants are encouraged to speak up by using the Speak Up signboard bubbles to present their demands to decision makers. UNGRSW is a significant event […]


Alliance Welcomes a New Member

The Alliance is excited to welcome the new member that joined us recently: Fussverkehr Schweiz (Pedestrian Mobility Switzerland) is an association under private law. The organization is the advocate of pedestrians, a pioneer and co-designer of pedestrian-friendly traffic planning – the 30 km/h speed limit for instance. Pedestrian Mobility Switzerland aims at a traffic system designed expressly […]


Stop the Crash

#STOPTHECRASH is a multi-stakeholder partnership, led by Global NCAP, campaigning for life saving crash avoidance technologies in support of the SDGs. There is wide disparity between the vehicle standards required in high-income countries and vehicles sold in many low- and middle- income countries. #STOPTHECRASH calls for governments and car manufacturers to mandate certain technologies that have […]


Survey on Cultural Perceptions and Impacts of Road Crashes

Language, religion, ethics and cultural values condition the way people perceive, understand and respond to the trauma of road crashes. However, international programs that promote road safety, post-crash care and response don’t usually tackle this complicated issue of different cultural perceptions and views on road crashes, for lack of knowledge from the ground. The Federation […]


Campaigning for Responsible Advertising

Almost 300, 000 people die on India’s roads every year and approximately 40% of those deaths are motorcycle riders or passengers. Strong role models are needed to promote safe road behavior.   One of the ways that NGOs in India are making a difference, is by targeting unsafe practices in advertising. Prerana Arora Singh, People’s Trust […]


Alliance welcomes two new members

The Alliance is pleased to welcome two new members that have joined us recently: Association Les Amis de la Route, Mali, is a non-profit association whose objectives are training, awareness and information for students on road safety and first aid, implementation of road safety systems in school zones, conferences, and public awareness campaigns. Projects include the “Zero Accident on The […]


FedEx Express and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety Embark on Two-year Collaboration

Social Responsibility Project Looks to Cycling Cultures of Copenhagen and Amsterdam to Promote Safer Cycling in Balkan Cities FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp., and international non-profit the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety have launched the Safer Cycling Advocate Program, a two-year collaboration aimed at improving safety for vulnerable road users in […]


Global Fleet Champions Launched

This month, Alliance member Brake launched Global Fleet Champions, a campaign focused on at-work road safety to prevent crashes and reduce pollution caused by company fleet vehicles. The campaign invites individuals and organisations, including NGOs, to become fleet champions and call for safe and sustainable management of company vehicle fleets. This includes large lorries and […]


Volunteer First Responders Reduce Fatalities

In 2015, an average of 11–12 road fatalities would occur every month on India’s National Highway 60. Survival rates for seriously injured victims of road crashes on the road were less than 5%, in large part due to the delay in receiving medical assistance. Alliance member Forum for Prevention of Road Accidents (FPRA) set to […]


Think Big, Start Small, Act Now

Last year, the Alliance trained 41 Advocates from across Africa and Asia to collect school zone data and use it to advocate for safer roads in their communities. The catchphrase of the training was “think big, start small, act now.” Advocates were advised to start by assessing one school in their local community and advocate […]


Azerbaijan Implements National Plan

Target one of the Global Road Safety Performance Targets (Voluntary Targets), states that, by 2020, all countries should establish a comprehensive multisectoral national road safety action plan with time-bound targets. In December 2018, Azerbaijan reached a milestone in road safety when President Ilham Aliyev approved the State Program of the Azerbaijan Republic on Road Safety for 2019–2023. The plan has been […]


Alliance Welcomes a New Member in January

The Alliance is excited to welcome the new member organization that joined us in January. International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) focuses on improving road infrastructure through its star rating system. It is the umbrella program for Road Assessment Programmes (RAPs) worldwide that are working to save lives. Using iRAP’s detailed tools, the safety of roads are […]


Streets for Kids Open for Applications from Cities

Applications are now open for cities to join NACTO’s Streets for Kids program. Twelve cities around the world will be selected to receive in-depth technical assistance to make their streets safer and more inviting for children and their caretakers. The goals of the Streets for Kids program are to: Catalyze the implementation of street designs […]


Know Your Audience: Example from Kenya

Alliance member Pamoja Road Safety Initiative (PRSI), Kenya, is a previous recipient of a Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) grant funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, which funds projects advocating for or supporting implementation of road safety policy in specified countries. PRSI’s proposal used graphics and comic journalism to promote road safety among two vulnerable target groups: […]


European Road Safety Charter

The Alliance is a member of the European Road Safety Charter, led by the European Commission, the largest civil society platform for road safety. The Charter encourages civil society—including companies, associations, local authorities, research institutions, universities, and schools—to take action on road safety and share knowledge and experiences. More than 3,800 organizations have committed to the […]


Road Safety Grants Programme: Round 15

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) has announced a new round of funding under the Road Safety Grants Programme funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety.  Round 15 is open to NGOs with relevant advocacy experience on policy reform or implementation and governments agencies with responsibility for road safety policy or implementation […]


Campaigning for Standardized Helmets in India

In India, riders of motorized two- and three-wheel vehicles account for over 70% of vehicles on the road and 40% of road fatalities. Of those travelling by motorcycle, only 30% of drivers and less than 10% of passengers wear a helmet. Additionally, 85% of motorcycle helmets worn do not meet safety standards. Many sub-standard helmets provide little […]


Review of India’s Good Samaritan Law

Two years ago, India’s Good Samaritan law, protecting those who help crash victims, came into force through a Supreme Court ruling. Alliance member SaveLIFE Foundation, which brought the case to the Supreme Court, has published a report analyzing the law’s implementation. The report found that: Although 88% of bystanders would now be generally willing to […]


Alliance Welcomes a New Member

The Alliance is excited to welcome the new member organization that joined us in December: Nepal Automobiles’ Association (NASA) has a mission to “organize and empower people for national building through automobile, safer and sustainable mobility, adventure tourism, road safety and connectivity.” It organizes local, national, and international automobile sports events, road safety campaigns, and sustainable […]


“This is My Street” in India

The next phase of Child Health Initiative’s This Is My Street campaign kicked off in India this month, with a Raahgiri Day in Gurugram, in collaboration with the World Resources Institute India Ross Center for Sustainable Cities (WRI) and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (PMNCH). Raahgiri Day is a car-free day where […]