Africa Chapter of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety 20 new Alliance members 42 Alliance Advocates in Africa and Asia 9 new webinars 2018 has seen new growth for the Alliance, new opportunities, and new connections. March 21 new Alliance Advocates from across Africa took part in a demonstration training project that taught […]
7 December 2018 Earlier today, the World Health Organization (WHO) released the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018. According to the report: relative to the world’s population size, road death rates have remained fairly constant. Yet the overall number of people killed by road traffic crashes each year has increased to 1.35 million?equivalent to […]
Monday 26 November 2018 21 new Alliance Advocates from 8 countries around Asia gathered at the College of Traffic Management, New Delhi, India. Advocates were welcomed by Lotte Brondum and Matthew Davies, Managing Director of Sales, India, FedEx Express, at the opening ceremony. After that it was straight into a day of preparing to collect […]
Two major conferences were held in November and both featured film or media award presentations. Alliance members were represented and received honors at both events. International Safety Media Awards 2018 The International Safety Media Awards 2018 were presented at 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2018). The awards recognize high quality […]
27 November 2018, New Delhi, India: Yesterday 21 grassroots road safety NGO leaders from eight countries in Asia became the newest cohort of trainees to join the Alliance Advocates Program, a growing movement of NGOs that is championing a low-cost, evidence-based approach to road safety. It is the first time that the Alliance Advocate training, […]
The first five projects to be funded via the UN Road Safety Trust Fund (UNRSTF) were announced last week. The projects, which total US$1 million investment in road safety, were agreed at the meeting of the fund’s steering committee of which the Alliance is a member using the Fund’s Global Framework Plan of Action for […]
The dangers associated with alcohol became the unexpected focus of the final session of the 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2018), the most significant global conference on injury prevention, hosted by WHO, which was held 5–7 November in Bangkok, Thailand. Safety 2018 is held every two years and brings together […]
The 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2018) was held 5–7 November 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference brings together academics, medical professionals, NGOs, and global experts from all fields of injury prevention, including road safety, and is an opportunity to gather tools and best practices from across the spectrum of […]
15 November 2018, Marrakech, Morocco Yesterday, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) launched its Africa Chapter at the 1st African Road Safety Forum, in Marrakech, Morocco. The Africa region’s economy is growing faster than any other continent’s. Regrettably, this success brings some serious and painful consequences: Africa has 2% of the […]
The UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) met in Geneva, Switzerland, at the beginning of October. The UNRSC is facilitated by WHO and is an informal consultative body for road safety that includes a number of NGOs. Topics of discussion at the meeting included progress on the UN Global Road Safety Fund, plans for the upcoming […]
France has become the first country to commit financial support to the UN Global Road Safety Fund launched earlier this year. At a reception in Paris, France to host the FIA High Level Panel for Road Safety, President Emmanuel Macron announced an initial EU€3 million contribution to the fund. President Macron was joined by FIA […]
The annual Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) Annual Strength in Numbers conference was held in Frisco, Texas, US, from 10–11 October 2018. NETS is a collaborative group of road safety professionals from corporate and governmental organizations whose objective is to advance road safety for their employees, family members, and members of the communities where they […]
In 2016, Alliance member the Society of Road Safety Ambassadors (SORSA), Botswana, received a seed grant through the Alliance Empowerment Program, sponsored by FedEx, for a project to attach reflectors to donkey carts. The project is now featured in a video produced by FedEx and published on the FedEx Cares blog. See the blog post […]
Fédération Européenne des Victimes de la Route (FEVR) has released the World Day of Remembrance 2018 official video on the theme of this year’s campaign “Roads have stories”. You can see it HERE. The World Day of Remembrance team would like to hear from you if you have an interest in having the video translated […]
Around the world on Tuesday 25 September, individuals and organizations took action to commemorate the anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to demonstrate to world leaders how many people stand behind the Sustainable Development Agenda. The campaign involved 500,000 people in 998 cities in 131 countries led by 1289 individuals and organizations. Road […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the two new member organizations that joined us in September: Nirapad Sarak Chai (We Demand Safe Road) (NISCHA), Bangladesh, is an NGO that was established in 1993 in memory of Jahanara Kanchan, wife of renowned film star Ilias Kanchan. NISCHA works to create awareness about, and advocates for, road safety. It […]
Last year in Dushanbe, Alliance members Young Generation of Tajikistan NGO (YGT) and EASST, set out to improve seat belt use in the city, with particular focus on young people who make up 70% of the population. The pilot project, which was supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Special Shareholders Fund, […]
The 1st African Road Safety Forum is taking place 13–15 November 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco. The Laser International Foundation and the Francophone Alliance for Road Safety are supporting the Forum by organizing the 1st African Road Safety Film Festival. The 1st African Road Safety Film Festival aims to reinforce, through images and films, awareness of […]
Global NCAP is holding its first World Congress in Delhi, India this week bringing together the community of New Car Assessment Programmes (NCAPs) from around the world to share experiences around independent consumer vehicle safety ratings. Global NCAP and its NCAPs around the world—including regional programs ANCAP (Australasia), ASEAN NCAP, Euro NCAP, and Latin NCAP and […]
In July, Venezuela’s inflation reached 83,000% and prices for food and everyday items are doubling approximately every 26 days. Many public services, including bus and train services, are shutting down, and citizens are struggling to meet household expenses. The crisis is having a devastating effect on road conditions and subsequently on injuries and fatalities. Road infrastructure […]