Alliance member the Society of Road Safety Ambassadors recently held its second workshop dubbed ‘Too young to die’ in Gaborone, Botswana. The purpose of the workshop was to mobilize and educate 152 participants on drunk driving, alcohol and its impact on driving, knowing and managing their alcohol. The workshop sent a clear picture that alcohol and […]
In July, Alliance member Healthy People Rwanda (HPR) led by 2018 Alliance Advocate Innocent Nzeyimana, organized a road safety and first aid advocacy meeting under the theme “road safety starts with you.” The meeting brought together key stakeholders and decision makers including police, the Ministry of Youth, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Infrastructure, National Youth Council, […]
Alliance member SaveLIFE Foundation is leading an ambitious and innovative project that seeks to reduce fatalities on the Mumbai Pune Expressway to zero by 2020 and serve as a model that can be replicated on other roads across India. Before the project started, an average of 140 people were dying on the 100-kilometer expressway every […]
Official government statistics in Bangladesh report some 2,500 road deaths each year, although WHO estimates that the actual figure is 21,316—a rate of 13.6 per 100,000 people. High road-fatality rates are not a new issue in Bangladesh, but a recent incident brought road safety sharply into focus there. On 29 July 2018, two students waiting […]
This month, the Alliance attended the first meeting of the advisory board for the UN Road Safety Fund as a representative for civil society in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting brought together representatives from five Member States—Argentina, Lebanon, Nigeria, Russia, Sweden—UN, private sector donors, civil society, and academic partners who will provide strategic guidance and input […]
Safe Kids Worldwide together with the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention and the Child Injury Prevention Alliance are organizing a pre-conference in advance of Safety 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand on Sunday 4 November 2018. The event is titled “Child Injury Prevention and the Sustainable Development Goals” and features Saul Billingsley, FIA Foundation, Mirjam Sidik, […]
Transport for London, UK, has announced its Vision Zero action plan. As part of its strategy that by 2041 for 80% of all journeys in the city will be by walking, cycling, or public transport and that, also by 2041, there will be zero road deaths and serious injuries on London’s roads. The action plan […]
In May 2018, a child was tragically killed on the road outside Chiango Primary School, Maputo, Mozambique where Alliance Advocate Alexandre Nhampossa of AMVIRO is implementing a safe school project based on his Advocate action plan. The tragedy brought into sharp focus the dangers faced by students at the school as they cross the Maputo […]
In June 2018, Alliance members Avoid Accident and the Indian Federation of Road Safety organized training for print journalists in Hyderabad entitled “Shout Out for Road Safety—Responsible Reporting.” The training was organized in association with the Transport Department and Road Safety Authority in Telangana state. Its purpose was to enable journalists covering transport, mobility, and road […]
The First African Road Safety Forum will be held in November 2018, in Marrakesh, Morocco. The forum is being organized by the Moroccan National Committee for Prevention of Road Accidents, which also hosted the Alliance’s Fourth Global Meeting in 2015. The African region has the highest risk of road death for vulnerable users who are the least […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the four new members that joined us in July: Eakok Attomanobik Unnayan Sangstha, Bangladesh, works with United Trust, highway police, traffic police, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), Accident Research Institute (ARI) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), and other relevant organizations on initiatives to reduce road crashes. These […]
The Humanity & Inclusion (HI) event at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), cosponsored by the Alliance among others, sought to address the “unsafety” of people with disabilities and other vulnerable road users. The event was entitled “Safer and inclusive roads and transports for cities that leave no one behind: How to ensure safe mobility for persons […]
The Child Health Initiative held an event at the recent High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) to highlight the need for children around the world to be able to travel to and from school safely. The event, which was entitled “Every Journey, Every Child: A Global Priority for Urban Sustainable Development,” was cosponsored by the UN Missions of […]
In Africa’s most dangerous neighborhoods, more than 4% of children are involved in road crashes while traveling to and from school every year. Other factors, such as pollution, are increasingly being recognized as a threat to child safety—a recent case in the UK demonstrated a direct link between the death of a nine-year-old girl from […]
Foro Internacional de Seguridad Vial Infantil (FISEVI) held its third bi-annual conference in June 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The focus of FISEVI this year was to increase commitment of governments and other stakeholders to the safety of children on the road. In his opening address, Carlos Pérez, Director of the National Road Safety Agency of […]
The Alliance is one of iRAP’s Lead Partners in the pilot phase of their development and rollout of the Star Rating for Schools program. In Cambodia, Cameroon, India, Kenya, Malaysia, and Nigeria, Alliance members have been testing the Star Rating for Schools app in different contexts, helping iRAP to build a picture of considerations and […]
Alliance member Humanity & Inclusion will be running a side event at the upcoming High-Level Political Forum, in partnership with the Permanent Mission to the UN of Belgium, Permanent mission to the UN of Luxembourg and co-sponsored by the Alliance. The side event will be held on 10 July 2018 at 1.15pm in Conference Room 3 […]
Alliance member Luchemos por la Vida (meaning “fight for life”) recently celebrated 28 years since its inception in 1990 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The NGO was started by a small group of individuals who were alarmed by the regularity of road deaths and government inactivity to tackle the problem. They started by raising awareness—broadcasting awareness […]
“Heroes Drive in Pajamas”, a project spearheaded by Alliance Advocate David Razboršek of Zavod VOZIM, Slovenia, has won the European Commission Road Safety Excellence Award. The award was received for its work to reduce drunk driving among young people by reducing peer pressure to drive home after a night out. “Heroes Drive in Pajamas” addressed drunk […]
The next UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be held from 9–18 July 2018. The theme of the 2018 HLPF is “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies” and will focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, and 17. This includes road safety SDG 11.2: “By 2030, provide access to safe, […]