
First response baseline study in Colombia

Colombia has a functioning emergency telephone number, 123, which will trigger relevant fire, ambulance, or police teams in some cities. However, the number is ineffective in rural areas; residents must instead remember the number of the local volunteer firefighter team, which is the only first responder available outside of the more-populated urban areas. In these […]


Alliance Member Perspective Presented at the UNRSC

The 25th meeting of the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) was held 12–13 April 2018, at the UN Headquarters in New York, US. The UNRSC is an informal consultative mechanism that meets twice a year to facilitate international cooperation and strengthen global and regional coordination toward the global road safety agenda. The Alliance and several of […]


UN General Assembly agrees steps to accelerate progress

Last week, the UN General Assembly decided on a number of steps to accelerate progress towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linked to road safety. Consensus was reached on the 12 global road safety performance targets.  The targets and associated indicators—read more in our article HERE—provide a framework for countries to adjust the scale […]


UN Road Safety Trust Fund

12 April 2018 The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) welcomes the new UN Road Safety Trust Fund, which was launched today at the UN headquarters, New York, US. We are proud to have been invited to represent Alliance members and wider civil society at this significant event. The UN Economic Commission for […]


Alliance Welcomes Four New Members in April

The Alliance is excited to welcome the four new members that joined us in April. MEDITECH Foundation, Colombia, is an organization focused on emergency care development in  low- and middle-income countries. It works on building capacity for emergency and trauma care, supporting initiatives to empower education and management of emergencies and disasters at pre-hospital and in-hospital levels. […]


1st Global Road Victims’ Conference

Last month, Alliance member the Irish Road Victims’ Association (IRVA) hosted the First Global Road Victims’ Conference, in Ireland, as the backdrop for the launch of the International Road Victims’ Partnership (IRVP). The theme of the conference was post-crash response in the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. The conference was supported by the Irish Minister […]


Drunk driving campaign targets transport sector

Alliance member Securoute, Cameroon, recently ran a drunk driving campaign that targeted truck drivers, taxi drivers, bus drivers and passengers, travel agency managers, and administrative authorities in the transport sector. The campaign aimed to educate drivers about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption in general and especially when driving, and to educate passengers to convince […]


FedEx Small Business Grant Contest Recognizes First Response Innovation

Each year, FedEx recognizes the innovative work of small businesses through the FedEx Small Business Grant Contest. Awards feature inspiring stories of passionate individuals creating new sustainable solutions and products, overcoming challenges, and benefiting their communities. Among the finalists of the 2018 FedEx Small Business Grant Contest India is a med-tech company Axio Biosolutions. Axio […]


Alliance Welcomes a New Member in March

The Alliance is excited to welcome a new member that joined us in March: National Safety Council – Maharashtra Chapter is a division of the National Safety Council of India. It is an autonomous body set up by the Ministry of Labour, India, with an objective to create occupational health and safety awareness. It organizes […]


La Journée Internationale de la Francophonie

March 20 was the Journée Internationale de la Francophonie, the international francophone day, which is held every year to demonstrate commitment to the development of road safety in countries sharing the French language. The day featured several initiatives including a video clip competition for young francophones, organized by Lasermedia. Read more HERE and see Francophone road safety […]


Semaine Internationale de la Courtoisie sur la Route

From 18 – 24 March 2018, NGOs and other organizations across Francophone countries will commemorate the Semaine Internationale de la Courtoise sur la Route, the international week of courtesy on the road.  Drivers are encouraged to follow the “10 Commandments of Courtesy on the Road.” I keep my cool in all circumstances and do not get […]


UN Road Safety Performance Review shines a light on road safety in Uganda

Recently, the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the UN Economic Commission for Europe published the findings of the Road Safety Performance Review conducted at the request of the Ugandan government. It is one of two performance reviews conducted at the end of 2017 in Uganda and Cameroon, as part of an Africa-wide initiative to […]


Data offers key to advocacy

Data collection and analysis is a core element of the Alliance Advocate training. Without evidence, it is hard to convince decision makers of the need for action. Advocates used iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools to build their advocacy messages and found that the roads around St Dominic’s School in Nairobi were one or two star […]


PRESS RELEASE: Alliance Advocate Training Leads to Safe School Commitment

16 March 2018 Yesterday, grassroots NGO members of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety received the commitment of Kenyan policy makers to implement measures that will mean safer journeys for the 2000 children that walk to a Nairobi school every day.   The commitment was made at a panel discussion featuring representatives from […]


Members Push the Voluntary National Review of SDGs

Each year selected UN Member States are invited to conduct a review of their progress against the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) focus on particular SDGs. In 2018, Goal 11, to “make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” has been selected. Goal 11 is significant for road safety. Target 11.2 states, […]


PRESS RELEASE: Advocates in training to implement safe school zones across Africa

12 March 2018, Nairobi, Kenya Every day, road traffic crashes kill more than 500 children globally, with the highest number of deaths occurring in Africa. Today, 20 grassroots NGO leaders from 15 countries across Africa will gather in Nairobi, Kenya, to undertake a safe school zone demonstration project that will save children’s lives by bringing […]


MENTOR-VIP: Apply now

WHO is accepting applications for its global mentoring program, MENTOR-VIP, which is designed to assist junior injury prevention practitioners to develop specific skills through structured collaboration with a more experienced person who has volunteered to act as a mentor. Since its inception in 2007, nearly 100 mentorships on a range of violence and injury topics […]


Alliance Welcomes a New Member

The Alliance is excited to welcome a new member that joined us in February: Healthy People Rwanda (HPR)’s mission is to strengthen the contribution of young professionals toward a healthier Rwandan society. It does this by empowering the community and facilitating health-development commitments and delivery, to impact at a grassroots level. After realizing the burden of […]


World Urban Forum: Road Safety’s Role in the New Urban Agenda

The Ninth World Urban Forum (WUF9) was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 7–13 February 2018. WUF9 focused on localizing and scaling up implementation of the New Urban Agenda established in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016. It culminated in the signing of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration, which called for global, regional, national, and local implementation […]


New Demerit System in Trinidad and Tobago

The road fatality rate in Trinidad and Tobago is at its lowest in 20 years, with a 14% decrease in the past year. Arrive Alive is working hard to continue this downward trend.  They have built strong relations with the national government, with the aim of seeing “better policies and laws enacted faster,” says Sharon Inglefield, […]