
Member Feature: Stop Line Campaign in Lebanon

In 2016 Alliance member Kunhadi, Lebanon, received an Alliance seed grant for an awareness campaign focused on new road traffic laws in Lebanon. Through a survey, they identified one aspect of the law that respondents were most interested in learning about. Their campaign, “Stop before the white lines,” was aimed at convincing drivers to stop before the white […]


SORSA and Amend Launch Safe School Project

In Botswana, the Society of Road Safety Ambassadors (SORSA), led by Alliance Advocate Maatla Otsogile, launched a new project in collaboration with Amend to implement proven-effective road safety measures around primary schools in Gaborone and also to work with government and other stakeholders to ensure the measures are implemented more widely across Botswana. The World Health […]


Alliance Advocate Presents to National Congress

Gabriela Guida de Freitas, Safe Kids Brasil has made a strong start to her Alliance Advocate training plan to reducie child passenger road deaths by 60% by 2020 through increased use of child restraints. Using an educational video outreach campaign and engaging decision makers to implement stronger child restraint laws, she hopes to reduce the 500 child […]


PRESS RELEASE: Walking the Talk

Small Steps, Big Impacts toward Reducing Global Road Casualties 5 October 2017 Today, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance), launched its new publication Walking the Talk,1 at the Every Journey, Every Child International Conference organized by the Global Initiative for Child Health and Mobility, in London, UK. Walking the Talk describes […]


Scholarships available

Applications are open for the Traffic Safety Scholarship Program sponsored by the Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities. The program is in its third year with funding support from the US Department of Transportation. During this time, it has sponsored more than 60 undergraduate and graduate students from many colleges and universities. The scholarships are open to international […]


Every Journey, Every Child

The Every Journey, Every Child conference, hosted by the Child Health Initiative is taking place in London, UK.  The conference focuses on the imperative to ensure that every child, in every country has the opportunity to reach school via a safe, clean, and healthy route. Speakers include Zoleka Mandela, Global Ambassador, Child Health Initiative, Sadiq […]


Walking the Talk: Betty’s Story

On 5 October, the Alliance will launch its new publication Walking the Talk, which presents the Alliance and its members’ response to the SDGs. A number of member stories are included. Read below an extract from the publication: Betty’s Story.  “Betty Omoro is using data collection to inform evidence-based action for road safety education along […]


Alliance Welcomes Two New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome two new member organizations that joined recently: Hope for Victims of Traffic Accidents (HOVITA), Uganda, was founded on the basis of the Uganda police force’s research report on the number of crashes in Uganda. The organization’s vision is “a community free from road accidents”. Its overall mission is to protect the interests […]


Alliance Reaches 200 Members

This month, five years since it was first founded, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety welcomes its 200th member: MiNU Asociación Civil. Read more about MiNU and our other new members HERE. Statistics about Alliance members: 200 members 86 countries 6 continents (every continent except Antarctica) 141 members in low- and middle-income countries (based on […]


UN Progress Report on Improving Road Safety

The UN General Assembly has published “Improving Road Safety”, a report on the progress of the activities and achievements of the global road safety community toward the objectives of the Decade of Action for Road Safety and SDG 3.6 to halve road traffic deaths and injuries by 2020. It points to key milestones since the […]


Educating Consumers to Buy Safer Cars in Romania

Alliance member Asociatia Siguranta Auto, Romania have made it their mission to educate the Romanian public to consider safety when buying a car. Founder, Virgil Mihailovici, is passionate about car safety and the role of cars in protecting road users. As a former journalist who worked for motoring publications, he spent many years reporting on […]


Third International Child Road Safety Forum (FISEVI)

The third FISEVI will be held 12–13 June 2018 in Buenos Aires, and will be hosted by the Argentinian Ministry of Transport through its National Road Safety Agency. Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez, with the Global Child Health Initiative, FIA Foundation, and UNICEF is organizing FISEVI 2018 with the theme of ensuring a safe journey from/to school to all children […]


Join the Thunderclap for Child Passenger Safety Week

Each year the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control organizes Child Passenger Safety Week to raise awareness of the importance of child restraints in cars. This year, they are organizing a social media thunderclap on 18 September 2017 at 12.00 EST (16.00 UTC). You can join the thunderclap on Facebook, Twitter, […]


Alliance to Host Session on NGOs’ Role in SDGs at IRF World Meeting

The Alliance is delighted to have been invited to host a special session at the IRF World Road Meeting which will be held 14–17 November 2017 in New Delhi, India. The session will explore the role of NGOs in delivering SDGs 3.6 and 11.2. It will consider case studies of multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, […]


BRAC Article Explores Road Safety in Bangladesh

“In low and middle income countries, the cost of road traffic injuries lies between one to two percent of GDP, which clearly suggests that countries like Bangladesh should adopt immediate measures to reduce losses caused by road accidents and keep pace with the nation’s transition to becoming a middle-income economy by 2021.” Alliance member BRAC, know well […]


IRF Vulnerable Road Users Training

Vulnerable Road Users, which include pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists and non-motorized transport, account for more than 30% of road fatalities worldwide.  The International Road Federation (IRF) and the Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center (QTTSC)  are running a training program on Vulnerable Road User Safety at Qatar University from 24-26 September 2017 in Doha, Qatar.  The […]


First Wallonia Road Safety Film Festival

Alliance member LASER International are organizing the First Wallonia Road Safety Film Festival as part of the European Mobility Week. The festival will be held 18 – 19 September 2017, Namur, Belgium. The festival celebrates the implementation of the Resolution on Road Safety adopted in Madagascar by the Summit of Heads of State and Government, […]


PRESS RELEASE: Road Safety Advocates Ready to Change the World

MEMPHIS, Tenn.,US, 28 August, 2017—The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety has graduated their second cohort of Alliance Advocates. The 14 graduates, from 14 different countries on five continents, have completed two weeks of intensive training in Memphis, Tennessee (USA), headquarters city for FedEx Express. They will now take the action plans they have […]


Alliance Advocates and iRAP Featured on Memphis TV

On Wednesday 23 August, the Alliance Advocates and iRAP were featured on WMC Action News 5 in Memphis as they tested the new iRAP Star Ratings for Schools app. The feature showed the 14 Alliance Advocates out and about in a school area in Memphis testing out the new app, which allows users to determine […]


Seeking Participation in a Baseline Study in Nigeria

Alliance member Road Accident Prevention Network Centre (RAPNEC) in Nigeria are seeking participants to assist them in their baseline study into road safety behavior, looking at traffic devices, measures and regulation including legislation in the general population in Nigeria. The expected outcome will also become a working instrument for policy makers and a road map […]