
Study on Child Restraints in the Philippines

A recent survey of 1000 drivers in the Philippines found that: 18.5% of drivers are aware or have heard of child restraints prior to the survey. 9.3% curently use child restraints, and 19% replied yes to the question, “Have you ever used child restraints/child car seats? 6.2% among the 1,569 child passengers of respondents use child […]


“Beyond expectation”: Reflections from the Alliance Advocates

The Alliance Advocate program is the centerpiece of the Alliance’s capacity-building effort, the Alliance Empowerment Program. Its function is to equip an elite group of Alliance member NGOs to make a significant impact on the road safety agenda around the world. Texel Cossa, Amend, Mozambique, and David Razboršek, Zavod VOZIM, Slovenia are two of the 2017 […]


Workshop Speaker Proposals Due for Lifesavers Conference

The Lifesavers Conference Planning Committee (LPC) is accepting speaker proposals for the 2018 Conference which will be held 22–24 April 2018 in San Antonio, Texas. Proposals must be submitted via Lifesavers’ online portal and will be accepted until 31 August 31 2017. All speaker proposals are carefully reviewed for their applicability to the Lifesavers Conference […]


Cross-border Partnership to Tackle Drunk Driving

Alcohol is one of the top two causes of road crashes in Mozambique. Alliance member, Mozambique Association for Victims or Road Insecurity (AMVIRO) believes that cultural attitudes toward alcohol play a big part in this: being generous with alcohol is a marker of status and wealth, and a party is not a party without alcohol. […]


FICVI Presents Petition for Human-centric Roads for Costa Rica

In June 2017, the annual Federación Iberoaméricana De Asociaciones De Víctimas Contra La Violencia Vial (FICVI) international conference was held in Costa Rica with the theme “Integral Care for Victims of Traffic Accidents” The high point of the conference this year was the opportunity to present to the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica and to […]


Alliance welcomes new UN Road Safety Fund

Of Alliance members surveyed in the learning needs assessment in 2015, 68% considered funding to be their biggest challenge. This is backed up in the draft proposal for a new UN road safety fund produced by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), which finds that road injury prevention currently is “not adequately funded at local, […]


PRESS RELEASE: Alliance Advocates

Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety Equips Road Safety Advocates to Save Lives Graduates to Lead Development of Road Safety Initiatives by NGOs in 15 Countries MEMPHIS, Tenn., Aug. 14, 2017 —Today, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) launched its second Alliance Advocate Training Program at FedEx Express World Headquarters […]


UN Road Safety Fund Draft – Your Comments Needed

The UN have produced a draft proposal for a UN Road Safety Fund to support achievement of SDGs 3.6 and 11.2. This is a very positive move that elevates road safety as a public health issue and sets the agenda for how it should be recognized by our governments. As road safety NGOs and experts, […]


Join the Consultation – Global Plan for Physical Activity

Recently, the Alliance was part of the advisory network meeting for WHO’s Global Plan for Physical Activity and a number of Alliance members provided input. Read more HERE. The draft plan is now available for consultation. The Alliance will be compiling a response to the consultation and we need your input and comments. This is […]


Every Journey, Every Child Conference

The ‘Every Journey, Every Child’ conference takes a child health perspective to showcase, to an international policy audience, London’s approach to tackling air pollution and implementing healthy streets, and to demonstrate – with examples from the US, Latin America, Africa and Asia – how other major cities around the world are grappling with similar issues […]


Physical Activity and Road Safety

This month, Jeffrey Witte, President, represented the Alliance at the first meeting of the strategic advisory network on the creation of a Global Plan for Physical Activity organized by WHO. He took with him inputs from Alliance members around the world, including People’s Trust Jaipur, India; Fundação Thiago de Moraes Gonzaga, Brazil; Project CARES, Philippines; and […]


Alliance Members Push for Road Safety in SDG Reviews

This year, 44 countries performed Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of their progress toward the SDGs and reported on them at the UN High Level Political Forum this month. So far, about one third of countries submitting VNRs this year mention mobility. The road safety SDG has been reviewed byBangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Ethiopia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Brazil, […]


Alliance Welcomes Five New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome five new member organizations that joined recently: Association Tariq Essalama Bejaia, Algeria organizes awareness campaigns to sensitive road users about the risk factors that cause traffic crashes (speed, mobile phone usage, alcohol, drowsiness, helmet use) and have been running road safety education in schools every week for five years. Another project […]


SaveLIVES: A Road Safety Technical Package

Halving the number of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2020 and providing access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all by 2030, are big challenges and require significant upscaling of road safety initiatives. WHO has released the Save LIVES technical package to support road safety decision-makers and practitioners as they seek to […]


Fatality Free Friday

According to Alliance member Australian Road Safety Foundation, an average of 5.3 people lose their lives in traffic crashes in Australia every Friday, making Fridays one of the deadliest day of the week. In 2016, there were only two Fridays with no reported road fatalities. While there is no clear reason why motorists are at […]


Paving the Way; putting behaviour change at the heart of a safe system

Resulting from the recent 2017 Highways England Symposium in March, Road Safety Analysis with Highways England have produced a new report titled Paving the Way; putting behaviour change at the heart of a safe system.  The report examines the current context and future trends, raising questions about the maturity of the road sector, the culture of […]


Coming Soon: “Do Not Disturb While Driving” Feature on iPhone

Apple has announced that its next iPhone software update, due for launch in the fall, will feature a “do not disturb while driving” mode. The iOS 11 update will provide all iPhones, not just new ones, with the function, which is designed to address the dangers associated with smartphones and distraction. Once the update has taken […]


Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge

Fondation Botnar and the Global Road Safety Partnership have announced the launch of the Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge. The Challenge is designed to fund projects that address locally relevant road safety problems with practical, innovative and evidence-based interventions. The Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge is seeking proposals from consortiums representing partners from government, civil society and […]


New Book Addresses Non-Motorized Transport Integration

What challenges do pedestrians and cyclists face in cities of the developing world? What opportunities do these cities have to provide for walking and cycling? Based on in-depth research conducted in Cape Town (South Africa), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Nairobi (Kenya), a newly-published book, Non-Motorized Transport Integration into Urban Transport Planning in Africa, explores […]


SORSA Teams Up With Amend for Safer School in Botswana

Around 90% of children at Bophirimi Primary School, Gaborone, Botswana, walk to school along a busy road, many of them on their own.  Tumiso Selaledi of the Society of Road Safety Ambassadors (SORSA) is one of the 2018 Africa cohort of Alliance Advocates. She chose Bophirimi School for her safe school zone project. Assessing the […]