The WHO Secretariat has released a “zero draft” of the global voluntary targets for road safety risk factors and service delivery mechanisms for road traffic injuries (available at The aim is to accelerate the progress towards safer roads, which will be facilitated with the setting of performance targets and indicators. WHO is calling for your […]
The Safe Road | Safe Kids Summit is rapidly approaching on December 8-9, 2016 in Washington, DC, and many dynamic and compelling speakers have been added to the program. To view the latest agenda, please click here. The Summit will focus on protecting kids on the move, and it will develop actionable strategies for achieving […]
It has been a few months since the Alliance Advocates graduated from their training in Memphis, Tennessee and many have already made great headway on their projects. Safe Kids Malaysia distributed helmets to children in 17 schools and discussed the implementation of rules and regulations for children safety on motorcycles. Swatantrata Abhiyan Nepal held a […]
Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) was formally founded in May 2013 a year after their first Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Week in May 2012. SARAH’s mission is to undertake research initiatives that bring about improved road safety, and support those affected by road tragedy. SARAH’s main initiative in the Yellow Ribbon National Road Safety […]
The 23rd Meeting of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) will be 17-18 November 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland. The keynote address will be delivered by Jean Todt, the UN Special Envoy for Road Safety, and Christian Friis Bach, the Executive Secretary of UNECE. Check back here during and after the conference for useful feedback from […]
Please find the following announcement by the World Road Meeting below: The 18th edition of the IRF World Road Meeting (WRM) will take place from 14-17 November 2017 in Delhi, India. The WRM has been organized by the International Road Federation (IRF) once every four years for the past 60 years. The WRM is a […]
The Global Road Safety Film Festival organized by Laser International will take place 20-21 February 2017 at the UN, Palais des Nations, Geneva. It will be held back-to-back with the Anniversary Session of the Inland Transport Committee of UNECE and the Meeting of Transport Ministers and will celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the Committee and its […]
Global leaders, policy makers, architects, urban planners, and NGOs kicked off the United Nations Habitat III conference, in Quito, Ecuador on 17 October 2016. The Habitat III Conference links into number 11 of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals — the new generation of the Millennium Development Goals — which aims to “make cities and human […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the new members who joined the Alliance in September: BRAC works in Bangladesh to create community road safety programs for “crash congested” high speed roads. BRAC developed a road safety animation television film series to raise road safety awareness for children, and in 2012 they created a driving raining programme […]
On October 3 2016, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with the International Transport Forum (ITF) released a report, “Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries: Leading a Paradigm Shift to a Safe System”. The report was the end result of work from more than 30 road safety experts from 24 different countries. The […]
Urbanization is an unprecedented challenge. By the middle of the century four of every five people might be living in towns and cities. Urbanization and development are inextricably linked and it is necessary to find a way of ensuring the sustainability of growth. Urbanization had become a driving force as well as a source of […]
Africa Night Without Accident (ANWA) and the European Night Without Accident (ENWA) takes place every year on the third Saturday of October. This year the event will be on 15 October 2016. ANWA began in Belgium in 1995 by the NGO “Responsible Young Driver” (RYD) and the event spread throughout Europe in 2003. The first […]
The Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety released a special Global Road Safety issue in August 2016. The Alliance, alongside the UN Road Safety Ambassador, Michelle Yeoh, Zoleka Mandela, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and iRAP made contributions to the publication. Alliance Director, Lotte Brondum, contributed an article titled, “Road Safety made Personal, Local and Real: […]
The Sudheekshan Foundation was established in the name of Chigurupati Sudheekshan, who lost his life in a road accident in 2006. Since then, the organization has worked to promote road safety awareness programs and victim support. The group runs awareness programs in several areas including traffic rules, the importance of wearing a helmet and seatbelt, avoiding […]
On 13 September 2016, in Accra, Ghana, Zoleka Mandela, Amend, and the FIA Foundation released a report “Step Change: An Action Agenda on Safe Walking for Africa’s Children”. The report details that three quarters of children in sub-Saharan Africa walk to and from school, yet their needs are neglected, with inadequate footpaths or safe crossings […]
The 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion took place in Tampere, Finland from 18-22 September. Speakers and researchers from around the globe came together to share science and practice from a range of safety subjects including road and traffic safety. Many Alliance Member NGOs joined and presented their work and several Alliance Members […]
In 2014, there were 479,197 reports of road traffic crashes in Malaysia and 6,674 resulting fatalities. 23.9% of these deaths were under 20 years old and 7.7% were pedestrians. In an attempt to reduce these pedestrian fatalities, the Safe Kids Malaysia, in 2015, prepared an intervention that aimed to segregate pedestrians from vehicles by building […]
Over the past two weeks, the Alliance has conducted a training for 15 selected members. The training of 15 Alliance members made the news. Find below media clippings of the coverage: Memphis Daily: Memphis Business Journal: Commercial Appeal: Press in India: Press in Tunisia:
On 30 August, Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) presented its 2016 highway safety awards to individuals who have made a strong impact on improving highway safety nationally. GHSA presented its most prestigious honor, the James J. Howard Highway Safety Trailblazer Award, to David A. Sleet, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science with the National Center for […]
The Alliance Empowerment Program continue to build our member’s capacity in addressing road safety on their countries. This month we will release a number of webinars. Why are helmets important, what is BAC levels, why are people not wearing seat belts, and how do you reduce speeding in school zones? These question and many more […]