The Alliance is excited to welcome the new member who joined the Alliance in July: Azerbaycan Milli Avtomobil Klubu (AMAK) is an organization that focuses on road safety research, awareness, mobility services to motorists, and education projects in Azerbaijan. Their projects creating “Conscious Citizen” posters to raise public awareness. Please stop by the new member’s profile […]
The World Day of Remembrance is an official United Nations day, commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year to remember the millions of lives lost or hurt by traffic crashes. This year it will take place on Sunday 20 November 2016. Here are a few things you can do to be involved: Request the #WDR2016 poster […]
The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is an NGO that creates and supports multi-sector road safety partnerships. The GRSP recently launched, Advocacy Campaign Toolkit, is a comprehensive guide that teaches how to successfully create advocacy and social media campaigns. The guides are divided into ‘Policy Advocacy’ and ‘Media’ categories. The topics of their policy advocacy guides […]
On 6 July 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an article on ‘Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths’ in their monthly edition of Vital Signs. The Vital Signs series was launched in 2010 and addresses one important public health topic each month. July’s report looked at data from 20 high-income countries on the […]
Alliance Member Little Blue Dinosaur, from Australia, recently launched a new online program, ‘Out and About with Sophie and Tom – Safe Holiday Adventures’. The program is designed to teach children about road safety skills that they can use during school holidays in different destinations around the country. Navigating different types of roadway conditions in Australia for the […]
The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety launched its first Alliance Advocate training program this week. The Advocates started a state-of-the art training course at FedEx Headquarters that runs from 23 August to 1 September in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. This two-week tailored course is part of the Alliance Empowerment Program, a capacity building program […]
The High-level Political Forum (HLPF) for the Sustainable Development Goals convened in New York this month, bringing together governments to report on their progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This forum is the United Nations (UN) central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in September 2015. […]
The third session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) will be held in Surabaya, Indonesia, from Monday, 25 July to Wednesday, 27 July 2016. Find flyer HERE.
Luchemos por la Vida and Ford Argentina have together launched the free program Conduciendo por la Vida (“Driving for Life”). The goal of the program is to raise awareness and provide road safety education to youth aged 15 to 18. The program also provides guidance and information for educators and parents, to allow them to participate […]
In recent years the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) launched the PRAISE project, to promote work-related road safety. The project empowers employers to institute high road safety standards for their employees. It focuses particularly on employers in industries that involve a significant amount of driving, such as taxi companies. Specifically, the PRAISE projects aims to: […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the two new members who joined the Alliance in June: Bien Argentino is a coalition of volunteers based in Argentina, mobilized by a common cause to prevent road traffic-related deaths throughout the country. They provide road safety education in schools and advocate to drivers on the importance of following road traffic […]
Alliance member Italian Association of Road Safety Professionals (AIPSS) has launched a campaign both in Italy and at the European level, called “From 100 to Zero.” The campaign is collecting digital signatures for a petition asking European leaders to make it compulsory for vehicle manufacturers to declare and publicize the time and distance it takes […]
On Wednesday 29 June, the Global Road Safety Partnership will launch the Call for Proposals for Round 10 of the Road Safety Grants Programme. Initiated in early 2012 with funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Road Safety Grants Programme supports projects to develop and deliver high-impact, evidence-based road safety interventions designed to strengthen road safety policies […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the four new members who joined the Alliance in May: International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), based in Belgium, plays an influential role in the development and implementation of policies for safe and sustainable road usage across Europe and globally. CITA provides a variety of forums to create, assess, […]
Congratulations to Alliance Member European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) for receiving the “Best Accident Prevention and Road Safety Initiative” at this year’s Fundación MAPFRE Awards held in Madrid, Spain on 6 June 2016. Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Spain presented the award at the ceremony, along with a prize of EUR 30,000, to […]
In late January, the People’s Trust in Jaipur, India, held Road Safety Week 2016. The staff of the Jaipur Transport Department helped lead the way to creating a fun, entertaining experience with an abundance of activities that enlightened participants from a variety of area target groups. Everyone left empowered to continue the struggle for safer […]
In January 2016, Floor Lieshout decided to take leave of absence from his role on the Alliance Board of Directors. In late May, 2016, he announced that it is time for him to step down from his role as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Alliance. See letter from the Alliance President, […]
A lot is happening to introduce the International Road Assessment Program (iRAP)’s road safety star-rating method to governments. 3-Star Coalition partners in Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Morocco, Nigeria, and Zambia have had, or are about to have, meetings with high-level government officials to promote star-rating and upgrading high-risk roads. The 3-Star Coalition is a group […]
Dear Alliance Members and Friends, The survey “My life after the crash” is a wide, cross-national survey, jointly conducted by the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) and the Belgian Road Safety Institute (BRSI). Anyone who has been seriously injured in a crash is invited to join at The purpose of the survey […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the four new members who joined the Alliance in April. AMVIRO is a civil society association working in 11 provinces in Mozambique. Their main work is in the education of children in school and adults in the community as well as legal and psycho-social assistance to victims of road crashes. Amend Mozambique is […]