Following the great success of the Child Declaration for Road Safety, #SaveKidsLives is launching a 2020 Action Agenda which includes actionable steps that we want our leaders to take to reduce the unacceptable number of child lives lost on the road every day. We need your help to encourage governments to implement this Action Agenda which […]
The 22nd meeting of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) was held at the UNICEF headquarters in New York City on 12-13 April 2016, leading up the UN General Assembly. The Alliance was present representing road safety NGOs, alongside road safety stakeholders from the philanthropic, bi-and multilateral, private, and public sectors. At the meeting, […]
Last year, RoadPeace’s campaign Ending the Discrimination against Road Crash Victims achieved a significant victory. On 16 November 2015, the UK government widened the definition of victims of crime to include all those injured by law-breaking drivers. The aim and mission statement of RoadPeace, an Alliance member NGO working in the United Kingdom, is to […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the three new members who joined the Alliance in March. Safe Crossings is a Dutch non-profit organization on a mission to prevent road crashes in low- and middle-income countries, with a special focus on vulnerable road users. They implement road safety programs that combine small-scale adjustments to road infrastructure, […]
The Kyrgyz Road Safety NGO has been appointed to the new government Road Safety Commission chaired by the Kyrgyz Deputy Prime Minister, a significant accomplishment achieved in a short time span. The Kyrgyz Road Safety NGO has come a long way in enhancing road safety through working in networks and partnering with others. From its […]
On 15 April 2016, the UN General Assembly and its Member States adopted a resolution on “Improving global road safety”. The resolution represents the strongest ever commitment on road safety made by UN Member States. The resolution supports the ambitious road safety targets now included in the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and also the Global […]
Ugandan children believe that road crashes are unavoidable and caused by “Satan.” These are findings from a study Uganda Red Cross Mbarara have done to understand the current state of road safety education in primary schools in Uganda. While the government of Uganda mandates road safety education in primary school curriculum, only some of the […]
The 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety held in Brasilia, Brazil on 18-19 November 2015 called for results. On March 20 2015, International Day of Francophonie, the Laser International Foundation took the initiative to create the “Alliance Francophone pour la Sécurité Routière” to promote cooperation between organizations and people who have in common the […]
The UNECE Secretariat, in collaboration with the UN Special Envoy on Road Safety, drafted an options paper to facilitate discussions surrounding a proposed UN Road Safety Fund. The draft document outlines the need for a such a fund and presents several options for its framework. The draft document can be found HERE. This document will […]
First implemented in 1949, there are now more than 20,000 students on duty as school patrols each day in Denmark. The world over, schools and traffic authorities have recognized the need for crossing guards in school zones and are working together to integrate them into school safety systems. Crossing guards graced the cover of a […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome the six new members who joined the Alliance in February. Save the Nation Association is a nonprofit based in Ethiopia that works in traffic crash and injury prevention. They aim to reduce the high rate of traffic-related injuries and fatalities in Addis Ababa and other regions of Ethiopia by […]
January 2017 will see a successor to UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon. Already now the candidates are being invited to be presented by UN member states to the UN General Assembly. Civil Society has been invited to pose questions and concerns for a dialogue that will start in April 2016. The Alliance hereby encourages all […]
Dear members of the road safety community, Cambodia’s Network of NGOs for Road Safety is issuing a joint statement to the Government in response to enforcement of the new Road Traffic Law, which took effect January 2016. The start of enforcement elicited some public criticism, primarily on Facebook and in regards to the cost of licensure, registration, and fines. […]
Don’t drink and drive. How often have we heard the slogan? Nonetheless, drunk driving remains one of the major causes of road casualties worldwide. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 50% of road casualties involve alcohol. Recent statistics from Northern India reflect the problem: a 2015 study of 200 injured drivers […]
The Alliance Empowerment Program is launching its first training series! The series, which is open to all, will feature a number of online information and advocacy sessions on International Road Assessment Programs (iRAP)’s star rating system for roads, including how to successfully advocate for a minimum three star road standard in your country. The Alliance has […]
The Alliance would like to give a warm welcome to the five new members who joined the Alliance in January. The European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) is an alliance of 60 public health organizations from 25 European countries working on the prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm. Member organizations are involved in advocacy and research, […]
An important part of the Alliance’s work is to share best practices and the good work of our members with our entire member base and other partners working in road safety around the world. One way that we share is to periodically feature an innovative or successful project implemented by an Alliance member NGO. We share […]
Does your organization work to improve road safety or advocate for road victims’ rights in your country? Is your organization a registered nongovernmental organization with a track record of implementing activities related to road safety or road victims’ rights? If yes, then apply for membership to the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety! The […]
As announced in Brasilia in November 2016, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety has launched the Alliance Empowerment Program, a capacity building initiative to help Alliance members improve their work on road safety. Through generous funding from FedEx, the Alliance will make an important contribution to the Sustainable Development road safety target of […]
New data analysis from the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), a permanent working of the OECD’s International Transport Forum, suggests that between 2000 and 2013 the number of road traffic fatalities decreased by 42 percent on average across 32 OECD member countries. The most significant reductions noted by IRTAD were in Spain, […]