
GRSP calling for proposals for round 9 of Road Safety Grants Programme

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) has released a Call for Proposals for Round 9 of the Road Safety Grants Programme. Initiated in early 2012 with funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Road Safety Grants Programme supports projects to develop and deliver high-impact, evidence-based road safety interventions designed to strengthen road safety policies and their implementation. […]


GRSP launches new web resource centre for road safety advocates

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) has annouced the launch of a key new web resource to support advocacy efforts specifically for road safety policies and implementation. The new Advocacy Resource Centre ( ) is a one-stop resource for organizations campaigning for road safety policies or policy implementation. It features over 800 pieces of content, […]


Pope Francis

Pope Francis received in a private audience, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, accompanied by UNECE Executive Secretary Christian Friis Bach on 14 January 2016. Jean Todt and Christian Friis Bach outlined today’s road safety challenge and the need for governments and communities to prioritise road safety, beginning with implementing […]


Denmark’s “Cycle Fund” improves bicycling conditions across the country

In 2009, the government of Denmark allocated 1 billion DKK, or approximately 145 million USD, towards a “Cycling Fund” which would improve bicycling conditions across the country and make it a safe and convenient means of transport. Why such a emphasis on bicycling? Because the bicycle is an environmentally-friendly, low-cost, and healthy means of transport with the […]


NGO in India launches training series for crash first responders

In September 2015, Alliance-member NGO Avoid Accident, based in Punjab, India, launched a basic life support and trauma care training series, called Rescue Road Accident Victims in Golden Hour. The training program aims to provide life-saving skills to first responders in the event of a traffic crash. The program is in partnership with Fortis Hospital in […]


UN Special Envoy on Road Safety responds to NGOs’ questions

Thank you to the Alliance members who participated in the United Nations Secretary Generals Special Envoy for Road Safety Stakeholder Consultation  in Geneva on 1 October 2015. The aim of the consultation was to clarify the role of the UN Special Envoy in advocating for road safety globally, with a specific focus on how the Special […]


Happy New Year – Reflections on 2015 and next up in 2016

As 2015 draws to a close, the Alliance would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Looking back on 2015, there is much to be proud of and we saw many important advancements in global road safety. The 4th Global Meeting of NGOs Advocating for Road Safety and Road Victims was held in Marrakech, […]


WHO, UNRSC present road safety report to UN Secretary General

The World Health Organization in cooperation with the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) recently presented the 2015 “implementing global road safety” report to the UN Secretary General. The 2015 report is the latest in a series updating the Secretary General on the progress and achievements of the global road safety community during the Decade of Action […]


Alliance member ACTIVVAS promotes road safety through radio show

Alliance member ACTIVVAS has established an innovative channel to spread the word on road safety throughout Argentina. In March 2015, ACTIVVAS launched a public radio show, titled “S.O.S. Human Factor,” which airs for an hour once per week throughout the country. The title of the radio show comes from the fact that, according to ACTIVVAS, […]


2015 World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims draws attention globally

The annual World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was commemorated this year  on 15 November. To date, 65 events have been recorded on the official World Day of Remembrance (WDoR) website ranging from marches, religious services of all faiths, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, campaigns, and more taking place all over the world. These events […]


Alliance members reflect on 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety

Based on initial survey results, Alliance member NGOs generally agreed that the 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety was beneficial and inspired commitment to achieve the road safety targets included in the Sustainable Development Goals. Member NGOs also tended to agree that the side-events were more useful for sharing information than the larger, more […]


New Zealand Sleep Safety Ltd. educates about the dangers of “drowsy driving”

Alliance member New Zealand Sleep Safety Ltd. creates awareness of the dangers of “drowsy driving”—or driver fatigue—on the roads through its signature Drowsy Driving Handbook, a passport-sized document that provides clear, concise, and simple educational messages for drivers. Information shared in the handbook includes the main causes of drowsy driving, common myths, and how to […]


Day 2 of the 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety results in the Brasilia Declaration

Day 2 of the Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety in Brazil featured a variety of topic-specific panels where ministers and experts discussed best practices and challenges from their countries as well as next steps required to achieve the road safety targets included in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Throughout the day, conference participants frequently […]


2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety commences: Highlights from Day 1

The 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety officially commenced yesterday in Brasilia, Brazil with participation from hundreds of ministries and representatives from academia, the private sector, and NGOs working in road safety around the world. Day 1 of the global meeting featured statements from ministers and heads of delegation from many countries, followed by […]


Alliance Empowerment Program will help NGOs reduce the high risk of traffic crashes globally

17 NOVEMBER 2015, BRASILIA — On Tuesday the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety announced the launch of the “Alliance Empowerment Program,” a capacity building program sponsored by FedEx. It aims to improve the ability of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in road safety around the world to design and implement initiatives that significantly reduce […]


Alliance governance documents updated

At the Alliance Board Meeting held in October, the Alliance board voted on and approved new articles of governance, including: Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Code of Conduct Internal Regulations Board Member Characteristics Terms of Reference for Alliance Executive Committee Terms of Reference for the newly established Governance Committee All official […]


Alliance members will commemorate World Day of Remembrance globally

Kunhadi, Alliance member from Lebanon, will organize a gathering at Université Saint Joseph in Beirut for families and friends to commemorate lives lost to road traffic crashes. Alliance members and others will commemorate the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims this Sunday in their communities. The World Day of Remembrance is an official […]


Alliance members will attend Global Conference in Brazil

The 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety will take place next week in Brasilia, Brazil. The Board of Directors and Secretariat from the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety will be attending alongside more than 40 Alliance member NGOs from around the world.  We greatly look forward to seeing members and friends at the conference […]


#SaveKidsLives reaches 1 million signatures to the Child Declaration!

This week, the #SaveKidsLives campaign reached its goal of gathering 1 million signatures to the Child Declaration on Road Safety! This is a tremendous accomplishment. The Alliance and the #SaveKidsLives campaign partners would like to extend a huge thank you to all Alliance members who rallied the remaining signatures to reach this goal, as well as to all […]


Alliance governance documents updated

At the Alliance Board Meeting held in October, the Alliance board voted on and approved new articles of governance, including: Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Code of Conduct Internal Regulations Board Member Characteristics Terms of Reference for Alliance Executive Committee Terms of Reference for the newly established Governance Committee All official […]