The Global Road Safety Partnership will launch Round 8 of the Road Safety Grants Programme today on Wednesday 8 July 2015. The primary objective of the Road Safety Grants Programme is to support civil society organizations in selected low- and middle-income countries to advocate for policy change to protect road users. Civil Society organizations in […]
By using free and effective press releases Zambia Road safety Trust (ZRST) has become a highly influential organization with the media, stakeholders, and government authorities within a very short period of time. Our Alliance NGO member in Zambia became a member in 2014, and with a small budget and through its well-thought-out media strategy ZRST […]
Asociación Madres del Dolor, a member of the Alliance in Argentina, launched the Red Flag Project, an initiative that aims to teach the basics of road safety to children with certain physical handicaps, during the celebration of Third UN Global Road Safety Week in May 2015. Together with physically handicapped children from different schools, […]
Five-hundred children are killed on our roads every day, and the Alliance wanted to draw attention to the urgent need to better protect children and generate action on the measures needed to do so. For the Third United Nations Global Road Safety Week from 04-10 May 2015, we identified and mobilized ten Alliance member NGOs from […]
The first African edition of Night Without Accident, an initiative that educates bar and nightclub customers/clients on the consequences of drink and drive, was organized in the city of Parakou, the third largest city in Benin, through a partnership between ALINAGNON, an Alliance member in Benin, and the NGOs Responsible Young Drivers (RYD), in 2012. […]
The Second Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety will be held in Brasilia, Brazil, on 18–19 November 2015. The meeting is hosted by the government of Brazil and cosponsored by the World Health Organization. The Conference will gather around 1500 delegates, among these Ministers of Health and Interior from many countries, senior officials from UN […]
Roads for Life – an Alliance member in Lebanon – strongly believes that a swift and efficient intervention by emergency teams on the scene of the crash would help save each year lives lost on the roads. The organization gives trauma surgeons, emergency physicians, nurses, and Red Cross volunteers world-class training to help improve the […]
With the United Nations currently in the process of defining a post-2015 development agenda, the President of the UN General Assembly organized, in conjunction with the co-facilitators for the post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations, two days of informal interactive hearings with representatives of non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, major groups, and the private sector on 26-27 […]
The Global Alliance of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for Road Safety (the Alliance) is exactly that: an alliance of NGOs from around the world collectively advocating for road safety and road victims. The Alliance aims to focus the efforts of NGOs working against the epidemic of road crashes. To do so effectively, an update of […]
Here’s few snapshot from around the world: – A joint event organized by FIA Foundation, UNICEF, and the New York City Department and Transportation, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake received the Child Declaration for Road Safety on behalf of the UN and led a #SaveKidsLives campaign “flashmob” event in the center of New York City, […]
On 29 April 2015, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Mr. Jean Todt as his Special Envoy for Road Safety. Mr. Todt is the president of the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and former CEO of Ferrari. Appointing a Special Envoy is a welcome move, and such a role can have a huge impact […]
Alliance members around the world are continuously busy preparing to celebrate the Third UN Global Road Safety Week 2015. Here are more updates: – South Africans Against Drink Driving (SADD), our member based in South Africa, will work with 20 schools around Pietermaritzburg and the Midlands. Children will wear bright yellow #SaveKidsLives t-shirts, and record […]
The Child Road Safety in the Americas Congress, taking place on May 7-8, 2015, during UN Global Road Safety Week, addresses the important public health and sustainable development issue of child road safety in the Americas, with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Participants will include leaders from countries throughout the Americas […]
The African Forum on Road Safety will be held from 20 to 22 May 2015 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). It is promoted by Initiatives Conseil International – Santé on behalf of a consortium of organizations named OSCAR (Medical and Behavioral Observatory on Road Traffic Injuries / Observatoire Sanitaire et Comportemental de l’Accidentologie Routièr) , which is presented in the attached document. Find […]
#SaveKidsLives is the official campaign for the upcoming Third UN Road Safety Week. If you need help to get involved, there is help to get in the following: Background information . Find an quick overview of the #SaveKidsLives Campaign HERE . Inspiration for speeches, reports and presentations: WHO has created a guide called 10 strategies for keeping children safe […]
As all of you already know, the global campaign for the Third UN Global Road Safety Week is happening on 4-10 May 2015 under the theme children and road safety: #SaveKidsLives. WHO, one of the facilitators of the event, encourages governments, international agencies, civil society organizations, and private companies—all of us who travel the world’s […]
Thailand has the 2nd deadliest roads in the world. Traffic collisions kill more than 7 children every day. Unfortunately, only 7% of children in Thailand wear helmets when riding on motorcycles. In response, AIP Foundation and Save the Children have launched a nationwide campaign, The 7% Project, to decrease motorcycle death and injury among […]
Several institutions offer emergency, legal, psychological and medical traffic post crash support, but citizens still feel unprotected and without support. This is one of the conclusions from a study Alliance member Stop Accidentes and Federacion Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Victimas Contra la Violencia Vial (FICVI) have implemented in 13 Ibero-American countries in collaboration with Fundacion […]
To create attention to the high level of traffic deaths, injuries and disabilities our member Observatoria National de Securanca Viaria (ONSV) from Brazil promotes the Yellow May Movement. Inspired by global movements to increase awareness of breast and prostate cancer Pink October and Blue November, Yellow May seeks to promote road safety around the world. If […]
UN Global Road Safety Week is taking place from 4-10 May 2015, and the theme is ‘Children and Road Safety’. The main global campaign is ‘#SaveKidsLives’. You can help by organising an activity where children take the role of road safety reporters. In their articles or short programmes, children can share their thoughts on the […]