
#RethinkMobility Painting Presented to UN Secretary-General, Calling for Action on Road Safety

On Wednesday 30 August 2023, the Alliance, on behalf of its members and together with the Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the United Nations and MOVES, presented a painting, titled #RethinkMobility to UN Secretary-General, António Guterres as a call to action for governments and international authorities to prioritize safe mobility and road safety on […]


#RethinkMobility art piece

Gerardo Gómez is a Salvadoran artist who works with expressive styles, at times reminiscent of surrealism or punk aesthetics, and at other times, a more psychedelic aesthetic. He portrays the city, its characters, and peculiarities through a process of approximation to its environment. He alternates between painting in the center of the city and reflecting […]


Streets for Life: Road Safety NGO Work with Government to Reduce Road Deaths in El Salvador

On Thursday 24 August 2023, Alliance member MOVES, El Salvador, with the support of the Alliance, hosted a roundtable that brought together Salvadoran government authorities, civil society, the private sector, and the international community, together with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, (Special Envoy), Jean Todt. The roundtable focused on evidence-based road safety […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome five new members who joined recently. Full members RoadCross Switzerland Foundation is committed to safe mobility and support for victims of road traffic crashes, promoting road traffic safety and raising awareness on road safety in Switzerland. They implement targeted and trend-setting preventive work and offer free consulting services to victims of […]


What is the African Road Safety Charter?

In this article, we look at why the Charter is so significant and how NGOs can use it for advocacy and accountability so that it can become enforceable across Africa. The African Road Safety Charter was adopted in 2016 by African Union (AU) Member States to provide a framework for road safety policy implementation and […]


LASER International: Spearheading Ratification of the African Road Safety Charter in Senegal

In June 2023, Senegal became the twelfth country to ratify the African Road Safety Charter, meaning that only three more ratifications are needed to make it legally binding and enforceable across Africa. The African Road Safety Charter, an initiative of the African Union (AU), aims to promote road safety and reduce road traffic injuries and […]


TRANS-SAFE consortium promoting radical road safety transformation through low-cost interventions

The Alliance is part of the TRANS-SAFE consortium, an EU-funded project bringing together different partners, including city authorities and road safety agencies, NGOs, academics, student volunteers, and private sector experts from Europe and Africa. Several Africa Chapter member NGOs are also members of the consortium. The project will promote radical transformation to improve road safety […]


Alliance Africa Chapter perspectives

The Alliance’s Africa Chapter was launched in 2018 to unite road safety NGOs in Africa more closely, harness their joint experience, build their capacity and amplify their advocacy voices with their governments. It now has 95 members in 32 countries across the continent. The Chapter provides collaboration opportunities, gives NGOs access to parliamentarians and global and regional partners, provides tools and programs […]


Walk21 Kigali: Action for Walking

In African cities, walking is the primary mode of transport for the majority, with up to 78% of people walking every day to access work, education, health care, markets, and public transport. Until recently, walking, almost everywhere on the continent, received relatively minor policy attention and resource allocation. Walking infrastructure was lacking: most roads had […]


Aligning Africa’s Road Safety Legislators and Africa’s Road Safety NGOs

The Africa Chapter is organizing a dialogue between the Chapter’s NGOs and parliamentarians. The primary objective of this dialogue is to further the discussion on the road safety agenda. It aims to build upon the achievements made so far and explore strategies to enhance the collaboration between road safety NGOs and legislators in Africa. The […]


Read our 2022 Annual Report

We are delighted to share our 2022 Annual Report with you. In 2022, we, together with our member NGOs, defined regional and global calls to action that honed in on three specific asks that governments must urgently address to achieve a 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030: 30 km/h zones where people walk, live, and play; investment […]


What is the SDG Summit?

Updated 30 August 2023 2023 marks the midpoint from the 2015 launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to their 2030 target date. According to a preliminary assessment of around 140 targets for which data is available, only 12% are estimated to be on track.[1] On 18 and 19 September 2023, the UN General Assembly […]


Alliance welcomes new members

The Alliance is excited to welcome five new members who joined recently. Full members Movidana is a collective of citizens dedicated to advancing and advocating for Road Safety in Ecuador. Their initial initiative involved establishing the Citizen Observatory for Mobility and Road Safety, which was officially registered with the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control […]


Pre-hospital care in Tanzania

“Doing nothing to improve pre-hospital emergency response is more expensive for countries than making even the most basic access to pre-hospital care available, whether it is provided by professionals or trained laypeople,” says Jason Friesen, Executive Director, Trek Medics, an Alliance member NGO working on low-cost emergency care interventions in 15 low- and middle- income […]


Universal Health Coverage Resolution: Advocating for Enhanced Post-Crash Care

Globally, 90% of healthcare emergencies occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly affecting children and working-age adults. Following trauma and serious injuries that require emergency care, including those from road traffic crashes, people living in LMICs are nearly twice as likely to die compared to those in high-income countries. Furthermore, estimates from the World […]


Rehabilitation and Road Safety

Over 2.4 billion people are living with conditions that could benefit from rehabilitation, however more than 50% of people in many countries do not receive the necessary rehabilitation care they need.1  Rehabilitation services are crucial for people whose daily life functioning has been lost or impaired following a trauma. These services range from physical and […]


How NGOs can Advocate for Emergency Care

“When we talk about emergency care advocacy, we talk about advocating for resources, connecting with government, and raising public awareness. NGOs are critical to achieving this,” says Dr. Charles Mock, University of Washington and Global Alliance for Care for the Injured (GACI), and one of the authors of WHO’s recent publication Advocating for Emergency Care: […]


The Connection between Road Safety and Health

The connections between road safety and health are numerous: safe and active forms of mobility keep us fit and healthy, but unsafe, unclean mobility systems have seriously detrimental effects on our physical, mental, and emotional health. The physical damage caused by road crashes is the most obvious connection, but travel on polluted roads has also […]


Call for expression of interest: global and regional meetings

The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) is organizing NGO meetings which bring together member NGOs, global road safety stakeholders, and corporate supporters. These meetings are the primary NGO-led road safety and safe mobility gathering regionally and globally and incorporates capacity building, inspiration, and networking opportunities. The Alliance NGO meetings are where […]


#RethinkMobility for Women Walking

For UN Global Road Safety Week, Alliance member People’s Trust Jaipur worked with female students at IIS Deemed To Be University, Mansarovar, to highlight to the issues faced by women walking in the city. The NGO conducted a safety audit walk with female students, documenting the presence and absence of pedestrian facilities in the kilometer […]