In February 2019, the Alliance launched a new social responsibility collaboration with FedEx Express Europe, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp, utilizing the expertise of the European Cyclists Federation (ECF), that aims to improve safety for vulnerable road users in Balkan cities. The Safer Cycling Advocate Program will empower NGOs to promote measures to improve cycling safety through infrastructure, policy, and awareness, and increase the numbers of cyclists, while also reducing road fatalities.
ECF will define the safe cycling practices that have proven successful in the central European cities of Copenhagen and Amsterdam. This best practice information will later be used by community organizations looking to promote cycling culture and reduce road fatalities in cities in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia.
The program was presented this week at ECF’s annual global summit Velo-City 2019, held in Dublin, Ireland where Rock Sherman, Vice President of European Road Network at FedEx Express spoke to the benefits of collaborative programs in order to deliver on the United Nations SDGs in the area of road safety. The Alliance and FedEx Express later joined a panel discussion at the ECF booth on the trade floor, to share specific details of the initiative with delegates of the conference.