Luchemos por la Vida received great news this week: the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) have committed to raise their proposal for reduced speed limits to the Federal Court, which represents the provinces, and to present the draft to the National Legislature, in due course. The NGO started their campaign during the Fourth UN Global Road […]
Amma Oduro-Dankwah of Amend, Ghana. wrote a blog piece about her experiences at the Global Meeting. “I attended pre-meeting workshops on NGO partnerships with multilateral banks, child-centered road safety education, addressing gender and risk in road safety and safe school journeys. I learned about so many issues that are usually overlooked when considering road safety. […]
The International Road Federation (IRF Geneva), supporting global action aiming at halving the number of road death and injuries from road crashes by 2020 has released a new knowledge repository on road safety. The Global Transport Knowledge Practice (gTKP) hosts work produced by Project Group 1 and Project Group 2 of the United Nations Road […]
In April we reported on the new law that came into force in Tunisia, making it mandatory for drivers and front seat passengers to wear seatbelts. Now, two months on, the first statistics are available and they show a clear reduction in road fatalities in comparison to the same month in previous years: a 34% […]
Call for Proposals – Safer Road Users and Safer Vehicles (Round 12) The Global Road Safety Partnership has announced the launch of the Round 12 Call for Proposals under the Road Safety Grants Programme. Since 2012, the Road Safety Grants Programme has supported organizations advocating for the adoption and implementation of evidence-based policies to protect road […]
Kapan is a city in Southern Armenia. UN Global Road Safety Week was an opportunity for Alliance member National Road Safety Council (NRSC) to run the first event of this kind in the city. While often campaigns focus on the major cities in a country, speed is just as much of an issue in the […]
The Alliance is excited to welcome two new members that joined in April: Public Health Perspective Nepal (Janaswasthya Pariprekshya Nepal) conducts research on road user behaviors, organizes road safety awareness campaigns, promotes the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims in Nepal, publishes articles on road safety in its official newsletter, and shares news via social networking […]
Riders of motorized two- and three-wheeled vehicles account for 53% of road deaths in the Philippines. Yet in a survey of hospitals, while 62% of road injuries were motorcycle riders, only 4% were wearing a helmet. According to another report, children on motorcycles are more vulnerable to injury than adults because their brains and skulls […]
In Mozambique, children aged between 6 and 12 had the opportunity to be the judges in a speeding court set up by Amend Mozambique and Amviro in collaboration with the Mozambique traffic police. Escola Completa Da Imaculada is a primary school with 1398 children situated on a busy road with no traffic-calming mechanisms: no school signs, speed […]
Traffic Zam (TRAX) India’s campaign “It’s a school zone” has focused around implementation of a 30 kilometers per hour speed limit around a stretch of road in Mandir Marg, New Delhi, where seven schools are located. In preparation for the campaign, TRAX have been conducting surveys of road user behavior and existing infrastructure, and which […]
A key output from Cambodia Movement For Health’s Slow Down campaign has been production of a video published to make the public, and especially drivers, aware of the dangers of speeding and remind them to comply with speed limits. The video demonstrates the consequences of speeding using images of crashes and features children, teachers, policemen, business […]
80% of motorcyclists traveling with children on their motorcycles do not consider them to be at risk. This was a key finding of a new study from Alliance member Fundación Gonzalo Rodriguez conducted in 43 cities in six Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, and Uruguay. In this region, road crashes are the primary […]
It is easy to assume that once speed limits are implemented and enforcement is in place, that the battle is won. The experience of Alliance member Road Safety in Kyrgyzstan demonstrates that these measures alone are not enough to change behavior. Driver attitudes and actions are not easily or quickly changed. As part of UN Global […]
There were impressive scenes outside the Cultural Center, Velenje, Slovenia, on Monday 8 May when Zavod VOZIM hosted their Slow Down event. Smoke poured out of the bonnet of a demonstration car as firemen demonstrated how they rescue victims from a car crash and rows of participants learnt CPR from paramedics. The police highlighted the importance […]
On Monday 8 May, the first day of UN Global Road Safety Week, Handicap International interviewed Dr Etienne Krug, Director of Management o Non-communicable Diseases, Disability, Violence and Injury Prevention, WHO. They asked him the following six questions. We are half way through the UN Decade for Action for Road Safety, what are the main […]
Since the beginning of 2017, three students at school #72 in Dushande, Tajikistan, have already been injured in road crashes near the school. Speeding is a big problem in this busy area near two main roads. As part of their UN Global Road Safety Week activities, Youth Led NGO “Young Generation of Tajikistan” organized a […]
27 April 2017 was National Road Safety Day in Iran and Alliance member Road Safety Pioneers took advantage of this opportunity to start their #SlowDown activities early and gain some momentum. Director Ali Zayerzadeh is a keen photographer as well as a road safety campaigner. It is therefore no surprise that the run up to […]
All around the world, Alliance members are joining with other NGOs, local and national governments, corporations and other organizations to run Slow Down days and other activities in support of the #SlowDown theme for the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW). Over the next two weeks, we will be profiling some of the wide […]
Photo contest demonstrates actions by NGOs around the globe to combat speed 8 May 2017 In preparation for the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week, 2017 (8–14 May), the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety has announced the winners of its photo contest promoting the theme of the week: Save Lives—#SlowDown. There were […]
During UN Global Road Safety Week, residents of Neuquén, Argentina, are being greeted by 4.5 by 2.25 meter posters at the main arteries of the city reminding them to slow down. To make sure that the message is heard, Alliance member Bien Argentino have just completed three days of campaigning around the streets of the city. Bien […]