Search Results for: children

Crash Courses in Key Risk Areas

This series of seven webinars bring in member experts in their respective fields to outline key risks and how to reduce them. Find more information HERE. Crash Course 1 Introduction to motorcycle helmets: why it is important to wear a motorcycle helmet, how a helmet protects your head, and how to design a campaign to […]


Science meets practice at the Safety 2016 conference in Finland

The 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion took place in Tampere, Finland from 18-22 September. Speakers and researchers from around the globe came together to share science and practice from a range of safety subjects including road and traffic safety. Many Alliance Member NGOs joined and presented their work and several Alliance Members […]


Safe walkway success in Malaysia

In 2014, there were 479,197 reports of road traffic crashes in Malaysia and 6,674 resulting fatalities. 23.9% of these deaths were under 20 years old and 7.7% were pedestrians. In an attempt to reduce these pedestrian fatalities, the Safe Kids Malaysia, in 2015, prepared an intervention that aimed to segregate pedestrians from vehicles by building […]


2nd global high-level conference on road safety

BRASILIA, BRAZIL – 7 December 2015 – On 18-19 November, more than 2,200 delegates from more than 110 countries, including 70 ministers of transport, health and interior gathered for the 2nd High-Level Conference on Road Safety in Brasilia, Brazil. The Conference theme was “time for results,” and focused on achieving the road safety targets recently adopted as […]


Fourth global meeting of NGO’s advocating for road safety and road victims

MARRAKECH, MOROCCO – March 16, 2015 – On March 13 and 14 more than 170 delegates from over 52 countries representing 100 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) gathered in Marrakech, Morocco at the Zalagh Kashbar Hotel & Spa in Marrakech, Morocco for the 4th Global Meeting of Nongovernmental Organizations Advocating for Road Safety and Road Victims. The […]


High-level political forum convenes to track progress towards SDG’s

The High-level Political Forum (HLPF) for the Sustainable Development Goals convened in New York this month, bringing together governments to report on their progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This forum is the United Nations (UN) central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in September 2015. […]


The Alliance welcomed four new members in April 2016

The Alliance is excited to welcome the  four new members who joined the Alliance in April. AMVIRO is a civil society association working in 11 provinces in Mozambique. Their main work is in the education of children in school and adults in the community as well as legal and psycho-social assistance to victims of road crashes. Amend Mozambique is […]


The Alliance welcomed three new members in March 2016

The Alliance is excited to welcome the three new members who joined the Alliance in March. Safe Crossings is a Dutch non-profit organization on a mission to prevent road crashes in low- and middle-income countries, with a special focus on vulnerable road users. They implement road safety programs that combine small-scale adjustments to road infrastructure, […]


Crossing guards save young lives from Chicago to Denmark

First implemented in 1949, there are now more than 20,000 students on duty as school patrols each day in Denmark. The world over, schools and traffic authorities have recognized the need for crossing guards in school zones and are working together to integrate them into school safety systems. Crossing guards graced the cover of a […]


The Alliance welcomed five new members in January 2016

The Alliance would like to give a warm welcome to the five new members who joined the Alliance in January. The European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) is an alliance of 60 public health organizations from 25 European countries working on the prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm. Member organizations are involved in advocacy and research, […]


Pope Francis

Pope Francis received in a private audience, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, accompanied by UNECE Executive Secretary Christian Friis Bach on 14 January 2016. Jean Todt and Christian Friis Bach outlined today’s road safety challenge and the need for governments and communities to prioritise road safety, beginning with implementing […]


Alliance member ACTIVVAS promotes road safety through radio show

Alliance member ACTIVVAS has established an innovative channel to spread the word on road safety throughout Argentina. In March 2015, ACTIVVAS launched a public radio show, titled “S.O.S. Human Factor,” which airs for an hour once per week throughout the country. The title of the radio show comes from the fact that, according to ACTIVVAS, […]


Day 2 of the 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety results in the Brasilia Declaration

Day 2 of the Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety in Brazil featured a variety of topic-specific panels where ministers and experts discussed best practices and challenges from their countries as well as next steps required to achieve the road safety targets included in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Throughout the day, conference participants frequently […]


2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety commences: Highlights from Day 1

The 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety officially commenced yesterday in Brasilia, Brazil with participation from hundreds of ministries and representatives from academia, the private sector, and NGOs working in road safety around the world. Day 1 of the global meeting featured statements from ministers and heads of delegation from many countries, followed by […]


WHO: Despite progress, road traffic deaths remain too high

19 OCTOBER 2015, GENEVA – Some 1.25 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes, according to the World Health Organization’s Global status report on road safety 2015 , despite improvements in road safety. “Road traffic fatalities take an unacceptable toll – particularly on poor people in poor countries,” says Dr Margaret Chan, […]


Road safety officially included in Post-2015 Development Agenda at UN Summit

Member countries of the United Nations convened for the UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015 on 25-27 September in New York to officially adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda (now known as Agenda 2030).  At the highly anticipated Summit, global leaders reaffirmed their commitment to international development and formally instated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to focus […]


AIP Foundation advocates for passenger helmet use in Cambodia

With 14,227 injuries and almost 2,000 fatalities in 2013 due to motorcycle crashes alongside economic costs reaching a staggering US$ 337 million, road crashes are a serious and increasingly concerning public health problem in Cambodia. AIP Foundation is leveraging the government’s commitment to reduce road traffic crash fatalities through its two-year “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project. […]


Civil society hearing on Sustainable Development Goals in New York 26-27 May

  With the United Nations currently in the process of defining a post-2015 development agenda, the President of the UN General Assembly organized, in conjunction with the co-facilitators for the post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations, two days of informal interactive hearings with representatives of non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, major groups, and the private sector on 26-27 […]


Third UN Global Road Safety Week 2015

Here’s  few snapshot from around the world: –          A joint event organized by FIA Foundation, UNICEF, and the New York City Department and Transportation, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake received the Child Declaration for Road Safety on behalf of the UN and led a #SaveKidsLives campaign “flashmob” event in the center of New York City, […]


#SaveKidsLives takes off – see what our members are doing

Alliance members around the world are continuously busy preparing to celebrate the Third UN Global Road Safety Week 2015. Here are more updates: –          South Africans Against Drink Driving (SADD), our member based in South Africa, will work with 20 schools around Pietermaritzburg and the Midlands. Children will wear bright yellow #SaveKidsLives t-shirts, and record […]



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