Search Results for: children


Budapest, 2 August 2021 The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) is delighted to be the recipient of US$161,000* raised at a gala dinner in Budapest, Hungary on 30 July 2021, hosted by Jean Todt, the UN Secretary General’s Envoy for Road Safety and FIA President, and László Palkovics, Ministry for Innovation […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members in July

The Alliance is delighted to welcome three new members that joined us recently. Full members Woman and Child Health Education Trust (WOCHET), India, was founded in 2018 with the aim of providing a sustainable platform for the children and women in need and to raise awareness of health related issues. WOCHET reaches out to the […]


#Love30: National Consultation on Speed Limits in New Zealand

In New Zealand, UN Global Road Safety Week coincides with the national road safety week, held every year. National monuments, including the Auckland Harbour Bridge are illuminated in yellow and activities take place around the country. Brake New Zealand took the opportunity to promote the #Love30 #StreetsforLife message, mobilizing 950 community groups to participate in […]


#Love30: Local specific commitment to save lives in South Africa

During UN Global Road Safety Week, South Africans Against Drunk Driving (SADD) obtained the commitment of Alderman Felicity Purchase, the Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, City of Cape Town, who holds the ability to change speed limits in the local area, to reduce speed limits around most schools in the Zonnebloem area of Cape Town […]


#Love30: What Next

Momentum has been gained through the UN Global Road Safety Week for 30 km/h limits in urban settings. It is important that this momentum is maintained. The Alliance will continue to support and mobilize NGOs for the #Love30 agenda in the runup to the Head of State meeting in 2022. We will do this using […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is delighted to welcome 13 new members that joined us recently. This is the first month that we have been able to welcome both full and associate members. Read more about membership and how to apply HERE. Full members: Fundación Emilia Silva Figueroa Víctimas de Accidentes, Chile, was founded as a result of a […]


30 km/h Becomes Default Urban Limit in Spain

On 11 May 2021, in Spain, 30 km/h became the default speed limit for all urban areas across the country. According to an estimate by the DGT state traffic authority, the new measure will affect between 60% and 70% of roads, although this percentage will of course vary from city to city. Implementation of the […]


Why 30 for Equality

The UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) is approaching under the theme of 30km/h streets where people walk, live, and play. While evidence clearly supports that low-speed streets save lives, there are also a multitude of other valuable reasons for your community and your policymakers to support the call for 30km/h in urban areas where […]


Why 30 for the Environment

The 6th UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) focuses on advocacy for 30km/h limits as the norm on roads where people and vehicles mix. We know that lower speeds save lives, but there are also compelling environmental, health, sustainability, and equality arguments for 30km/h that road safety advocates should understand and leverage with their governments, […]


Apply for a UNGRSW grant

The theme of the 2021 UN Global Road Safety Week is 30km/h on streets where people walk, live and play, which is based around the Stockholm Declaration. There is strong evidence that maximum 30km/h roads save lives, especially among pedestrians, cyclists, children, and young people, and have environmental and other benefits. The Alliance’s focus will […]


6th UN Global Road Safety Week: #Love30

There is strong evidence that maximum 30km/h roads save lives, especially among pedestrians, cyclists, children, and young people, and have environmental and other benefits. The theme of the 6th UNGRSW was a call for 30 km/h limits on urban streets where people walk, live, and play, under the slogan: #StreetsforLife #Love30 (or #Love20 where mph […]


Mentorship Program Leads to Publication

In 2020, several Alliance members participated in the Journal of Road Safety Mentorship Program provided by the Australasian College of Road Safety to promote evidence-based road safety programs from NGOs and encourage a greater focus on data. Through the program, Alliance member Uganda Road Accident Reduction Network Organization (URRENO) recently had a peer-reviewed paper titled […]


India: Raising Awareness of the Good Samaritan Law

This month, the Alliance, working with Think Niti and supported by the UPS Foundation, delivered a targeted training program for member NGOs in India on the Good Samaritan Law. The Good Samaritan Law was established in India in 2016 in response to widespread harassment of bystanders who helped road crash victims. Those who assisted victims […]


30km/ph in Urban Areas Across Zambia

In December 2019, 30kmph limits became regulation on urban roads across Zambia. Zambia Road Safety Trust (ZRST) was one of the NGOs advocating for the new measures, alongside Amend and Vital Strategies, Daniel Mwamba, Executive Director of ZRST is a 2016 Alliance Advocate. He credits the power-mapping principles that he learned on the training as […]


Senegal: Building political will to achieve the Decade of Action

“Senegal is seeing growing motorization and infrastructure, but road safety is not keeping up: engineers while building new roads try but don’t always succeed to put people safety first and a big issue is the population are not following rules. We need political will to make road safety a priority and that is not yet […]


Malaysia: Child Safety in Focus

At the start of this new year, Kulanthayan Mani, Safe Kids Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, is reflecting on the possibilities that COVID-19 has shown us with regard to achieving the 2030 target to reduce road deaths and injuries by 50%. Kulan is waiting in anticipation for the official road crash and fatality figures for 2020. […]


Thailand: Independent National Agency Key to Achieving Road Safety Goals

“My main hope, that would accelerate road safety progress in Thailand in 2021 and toward the Decade of Action 2021–2030, would be to continue advocating for the national road safety agency to be established as an independent, standalone agency,” says Ratana Winther, the Chairperson of AIP Foundation in Thailand.  Road safety falls within the remit […]


Commitment to Action in Kyrgyzstan

In 2019, Alliance member Road Safety NGO, Kyrgyzstan undertook a study in the capital city Bishkek. It found that, despite existing legislation requiring all children under the age of 12 to use restraints in front seat, that among more than 9,000 vehicles observed, child seats were registered only in 22 cases. With funding from the […]


#CommitToAct Global Roundtable

On 1 December 2020, decision makers from Colombia, Vietnam, and the European Union, joined a roundtable organized by the Alliance to discuss progress on commitments that their governments had made as part of the 2019 #CommitToAct campaign and which are featured on the Alliance’s Commitment Tracker. Commitment Progress Colombia: Child Safety Director Luis Felipe Lota […]


#CommitToAct: Equipping Young Advocates in Capitán Sarmiento

In Argentina, A.C.T.I.V.V.A.S. is equipping a group of young women to use the #CommitToAct campaign to ask local authorities in Capitán Sarmiento, a small city in Buenos Aires province, to intervene on five critical points. The dangers it highlights are: Speeding on streets informally used as racetracks, where drivers have been recorded driving at over […]



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