Search Results for: children

Alliance Incubator

The Alliance Incubator mobilizes and strengthens NGOs’ advocacy to drive implementation of interventions that have been proven to be effective in reducing the road-related deaths and injuries that occur globally each year. The Incubator is designed to accelerate the growth and role of serious and ambitious road safety NGOs through an array of support resources […]


Our Roads, Our Right

The tagline of this year’s #CommitToAct campaign is “Our roads, our right” and builds on the concept that safe roads and journeys are the right of every citizen, and it is the responsibility of our authorities to ensure that those rights are upheld. The case for road safety as a right The idea of safety […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome the three new members that joined recently. Centrum Inicjatyw na rzecz poprawy Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego (CIBRD), Poland, implements programs to reduce the number of road crashes and number of traffic victims in Poland. It has implemented a knowledge center and created an alliance for road safety in the country. […]


Tips and Ideas: Holding Leaders Accountable

Through #CommitToAct NGOs around the world are securing SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timebound) commitments from their governments for safer roads. Find tips and tools for defining and securing commitments from your authorities and for maintaining accountability for commitments received. Securing Commitments 1. Understand your overall policy and specific project goals You need a clear […]


Tips and Ideas: Build a Coalition

The UN Resolution sets road safety within the wider SDG agenda. It encourages us to see safe roads within the context of the environment, mobility, planning, public health, gender, and equality. We need to engage new partners outside of road safety in our campaigns and advocacy. Here are some tips for getting started. 1. Think […]


How To: Infographic Builder

Find here icons, statistics, and ideas to help you create infographics for your campaign. 1. Think about your message What problem do you want to see solved? What response do you want from individuals or leaders? What facts will convince your audience Your message could be a question e.g. “Are our roads ready for the […]


What the Resolution Means for the Private Sector

In this article, Manoelle Lepoutre, Senior Vice-President, Civil Society Engagement, Total S.A., answers our questions on the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety, bringing private sector view to our series of perspectives on the resolution. What is your reaction to the new UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety? “We, at TOTAL, are delighted […]


What the Resolution Means for Youth

Road traffic crashes are the leading cause of death of children and young people. Any strategy that seeks to address the global road safety crisis needs to take account of the needs of young people. The Global Youth Coalition brings together young activists from around the world, taking action on safer mobility and championing meaningful […]


What the UN Resolution Means for the Environment

The UN Resolution presents a wider perspective on road safety than previous instruments and commitments. Among other concerns, it connects road safety to the environmental agenda. To get a viewpoint on this aspect of the resolution, we spoke to Carly Gilbert-Patrick, Share the Road Global Programme Lead at the UN Environment Programme. “Our planet has […]


What the Resolution Means for NGO Advocacy

“NGOs play a crucial role in striving to meet the goals of the UN resolution,” says Natalie Draisin, Director, North American Office, and United Nations Representative for the FIA Foundation. Natalie’s role with the FIA Foundation means that she is often a link between the UN sphere and the NGO world. Here, we ask Natalie […]


What the Resolution Means for NGOs

In this article Lotte Brondum, Executive Director of the Alliance, shares her perspectives on the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety. “The adoption of the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety is a success for the road safety community, especially the Member States that sponsored it, in particular the Swedish government, which has […]


UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety

On 31 August 2020, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/74/299 on Improving Global Road Safety. The resolution was based on the Stockholm Declaration agreed at the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in February 2020. It sets out a new target for road safety target for the next 10 years and proclaims the […]


Nigeria Commitment Update: Safer School Zones

Following the Alliance Advocate training in Nairobi, Kenya, in April 2018, NGOs each targeted a single school to assess, using iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools methodology. The goal was to gauge the safety of each school’s surrounding streets and to focus on high-risk areas, where children were most in danger. Following the assessments, the NGOs […]


Road Safety Commitment: Interview with Jean Todt

During the series of Round the World Roundtables in 2019, Jean Todt, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety (Special Envoy), attended three roundtables in Vietnam, Colombia, and Ecuador, and publicly received decision makers’ signed commitments on behalf of the road safety community. These commitments are listed on the Commitment Tracker, and their progress […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome three new organizations that joined us recently. Institute of Public Health (IPH), Bengaluru, India, was founded in August 2005 by a group of healthcare professionals with a vision to provide young professionals a platform to build their skills and strengthen the Indian health system to ensure quality healthcare for […]


Long Wait Over for Pedestrians in Nairobi

In Nairobi, Kenya, only 15% of journeys are made by private cars. Most are on foot or by bicycle. However, for decades, new road construction and upgrades have overlooked the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, leaving them exposed to fast, aggressive, and dangerous traffic. According to the Nairobi Integrated Urban Development Master Plan (NIUPLAN), almost […]


Youth on the Move: #ClaimingOurSpace

Road traffic crashes are the number one killer of young people aged 5-29. At the opening ceremony of the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference in Sweden, Omnia El Omrani delivered a message to government Ministers and decision makers around the world on behalf of the members of the World Youth Assembly and the thousands of young […]


Safer Cycling for Women in Argentina

The city of Neuquén, Argentina, is undergoing rapid growth, with the population expected to grow from 300,000 to one million by 2030. The municipality has initiated an action plan to reduce automotive pollution in Neuquén by discouraging road users from driving motorized vehicles into the city and encouraging them to use more active modes of […]


What Next for NGOs During COVID-19?

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alliance has been working with our NGOs to monitor the road safety response and how NGOs are adapting. The picture has certainly evolved over the past three months. Following initial shock and funding fears and faced with the significant task of moving as many activities as possible online, most are […]


Building a Safe, Sustainable City in Patiala

Road safety is among the priorities that the Patiala Foundation, India, uses to promote a safer, more sustainable, livable city for its citizens. The road safety element of the organization’s work has a strong focus on walking. Patiala Foundation’s Chief Functionary, Ravee Singh Ahluwalia, was prompted to tackle the issue of walking, while teaching road […]



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