Search Results for: children

Amend Win First World Resources Institute Ross Prize

Congratulations to Amend for winning the inaugural World Resources Institute (WRI) Ross Prize for Cities, a $250,000 award focusing on urban transformation for its School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI) program, which  was chosen from among 200 applicants by a world-class jury of experts.  WRI is a global research organization that spans more than […]


This is My Street Global Week of Action

To coincide with the World Health Assembly in Geneva, FIA Foundation have organized a global week of action around the theme #ThisisMyStreet. 21 Alliance members are taking part, running petitions, social media campaigns, poster competitions, workshops and more. Here are some of their photos from the week so far. Please stop by this page again, […]


Are you ready for UN Global Road Safety Week?

The Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) will be held 6–12 May 2019, with the theme of Save Lives #SpeakUp. The week will focus on road safety leadership, and participants are encouraged to speak up by using the Speak Up signboard bubbles to present their demands to decision makers. UNGRSW is a significant event […]


Think Big, Start Small, Act Now

Last year, the Alliance trained 41 Advocates from across Africa and Asia to collect school zone data and use it to advocate for safer roads in their communities. The catchphrase of the training was “think big, start small, act now.” Advocates were advised to start by assessing one school in their local community and advocate […]


Streets for Kids Open for Applications from Cities

Applications are now open for cities to join NACTO’s Streets for Kids program. Twelve cities around the world will be selected to receive in-depth technical assistance to make their streets safer and more inviting for children and their caretakers. The goals of the Streets for Kids program are to: Catalyze the implementation of street designs […]


Know Your Audience: Example from Kenya

Alliance member Pamoja Road Safety Initiative (PRSI), Kenya, is a previous recipient of a Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) grant funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, which funds projects advocating for or supporting implementation of road safety policy in specified countries. PRSI’s proposal used graphics and comic journalism to promote road safety among two vulnerable target groups: […]


“This is My Street” in India

The next phase of Child Health Initiative’s This Is My Street campaign kicked off in India this month, with a Raahgiri Day in Gurugram, in collaboration with the World Resources Institute India Ross Center for Sustainable Cities (WRI) and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (PMNCH). Raahgiri Day is a car-free day where […]


PRESS RELEASE: Alliance Advocates Program Extends to Asia

27 November 2018, New Delhi, India: Yesterday 21 grassroots road safety NGO leaders from eight countries in Asia became the newest cohort of trainees to join the Alliance Advocates Program, a growing movement of NGOs that is championing a low-cost, evidence-based approach to road safety. It is the first time that the Alliance Advocate training, […]


Breaking through in Rwanda

In July, Alliance member Healthy People Rwanda (HPR) led by 2018 Alliance Advocate Innocent  Nzeyimana, organized a road safety and first aid advocacy meeting under the theme “road safety starts with you.” The meeting brought together key stakeholders and decision makers including police, the Ministry of Youth, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Infrastructure, National Youth Council, […]


Alliance Welcomes Four New Members in July

The Alliance is excited to welcome the four new members that joined us in July: Eakok Attomanobik Unnayan Sangstha, Bangladesh, works with United Trust, highway police, traffic police, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), Accident Research Institute (ARI) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), and other relevant organizations on initiatives to reduce road crashes. These […]


Child Health Initiative at HLPF

The Child Health Initiative held an event at the recent High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) to highlight the need for children around the world to be able to travel to and from school safely. The event, which was entitled “Every Journey, Every Child: A Global Priority for Urban Sustainable Development,” was cosponsored by the UN Missions of […]


UNICEF Seeks Safe and Healthy Journey to School

In Africa’s most dangerous neighborhoods, more than 4% of children are involved in road crashes while traveling to and from school every year. Other factors, such as pollution, are increasingly being recognized as a threat to child safety—a recent case in the UK demonstrated a direct link between the death of a nine-year-old girl from […]


FISEVI Pushes for Commitment to Child Safety

Foro Internacional de Seguridad Vial Infantil (FISEVI) held its third bi-annual conference in June 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The focus of FISEVI this year was to increase commitment of governments and other stakeholders to the safety of children on the road. In his opening address, Carlos Pérez, Director of the National Road Safety Agency of […]


Alliance members pilot iRAP Star Rating for Schools

The Alliance is one of iRAP’s Lead Partners in the pilot phase of their development and rollout of the Star Rating for Schools program.  In Cambodia, Cameroon, India, Kenya, Malaysia, and Nigeria, Alliance members have been testing the Star Rating for Schools app in different contexts, helping iRAP to build a picture of considerations and […]


High-Level Political Forum Focuses on Mobility

The next UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be held from 9–18 July 2018. The theme of the 2018 HLPF is “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies” and will focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, and 17. This includes road safety SDG 11.2: “By 2030, provide access to safe, […]


National Road Safety Week Australia

National Road Safety Week is an annual initiative from Alliance member Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, Australia, which partners with road safety organizations and local and national government. The week, which was held 30 April–6 May 2018, highlights the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it. Over the week, national and […]


Rules, Skills, Attitude: the road safety triangle in Indonesia

Road Safety Association (RSA), Indonesia, have as their mantra a triangle of concepts corresponding to the initials of their name: Rules, Skills, Attitude. Director, Rio Octaviano, explains why they have chosen these concepts as the focus of their activities in Indonesia: “The government has rules [for road behavior] but people don’t know about them…but once they […]


Maio Amarelo

Maio Amarelo, or Yellow May, is a road safety movement held annually in May in 28 countries around the world. The theme of this year’s Maio Amarelo was “We are the traffic,” and participating groups, which included schools, NGOs, and corporations, ran activities to raise awareness of the urgent need to reduce road traffic deaths and […]


Safe Riding Initiative

Last month, Alliance member TRAX S. Society, India, partnered with the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) to organize a conference as part of the Safe Riding Initiative, a campaign dedicated to the safety of two-wheeler drivers and pillion riders in India.  The Safe Riding Initiative has five objectives: Standardized helmets Helmet usage for all ages […]


World Health Assembly and a call for safer school journeys

This week, the World Health Assembly convenes in Geneva, Switzerland.  To coincide, the Child Health Initiative, sponsored by the Government of Jamaica, organized a parallel advocacy event during the World Health Assembly to discuss these issues and encourage a coordinated policy response. The event focused on the effects of road traffic and air pollution caused by […]



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