Niall Casimire | Arrive Alive | Trinidad and Tobago

“The best part of Arrive Alive is to hear the general public sharing stories on road safety with family, friends and coworkers!”

Niall Casimire works offshore on a ‘3-week on/3week off’ schedule. He uses his time off to advance road safety with Arrive Alive, an NGO dedicated to saving lives and preserving lifestyles. As a father of three young children, Niall sees this as a worthwhile investment of his free time. To achieve their objectives, Niall and his colleagues conduct road safety education for children and distribute information on speeding and drunk driving at festivals. They also advocate for infrastructure improvements for safe school zones and highways.

As an oil industry professional, Niall has a lot of experience in program management and communication skills. But he wanted to participate in the Advocate training to learn more about road safety and current approaches to persistent challenges. He was most impressed by the FedEx presentation on leadership, and he has also found that power mapping and using SMART objectives are helping him to work more efficiently and effectively. These skills will be useful as Arrive Alive conducts a school needs assessment and plans future interventions.

Niall believes that family grief and celebrity can be powerful motivators for action on road safety. He recently spoke at a memorial tree-planting ceremony for the niece of Bunji Garlin, a well-known Trinidadian musician, demonstrating that events like this can amplify the voices of road safety advocates.
