Alliance Pillar Working Groups

The Alliance Pillar Working Groups align to the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) Working Pillar Groups, which are based on the five pillars of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020. 

The Alliance pillar working groups enable NGOs to learn about and contribute to the plans and work of the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC). The working groups harness the wealth of members’ knowledge and views and help to coordinate actions.

The strategic objectives of the working groups are to:

  • Identify NGO members’ evidence-based knowledge and views regarding the most urgent steps their governments and other key stakeholders should be undertaking in support of the working group’s pillar.
  • Prepare tools that enable member NGOs to promote these steps and advocate at a country level for them to be implemented, prioritizing laws and policies in Low and Middle Income Nations.
  • Monitor the important advocacy and other actions NGO members have undertaken and plan to undertake in support of the working group’s pillar, the opportunities NGO members have to do more, and needs they have for further support from the Alliance or other sources.


The working groups are voluntarily driven by Alliance members and report to the Alliance Board of Directors. 

Each working group has a key contact person who liaises with the Alliance and reports on progress. Any outcomes that the group would like to bring forward to the UNRSC will be presented to the Alliance Board, who will facilitate presentation at the UNRSC.

Key Contacts

  • Pillar 1: Gela Kvashilava
  • Pillar 2: Mary Williams
  • Pillar 3: Awa Sarr
  • Pillar 4: Rochelle Sobel
  • Pillar 5: Manuel Ramos


Management and coordination of the working group is done through Skype, email and other remote working tools.

If you would like to get involved, please email Please note that the working groups are open to Alliance members only.

Read the full concept note HERE.