In 2022, Alliance member NGOs defined a global Declaration and five regional calls to action based on three principles, which were updated in 2023:
The NGO Declaration sets out our global call to action.
We call on our governments to guarantee people’s right to safe mobility and act for a 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030. We urge:
1. EVIDENCE-BASED ACTIONS: prioritize interventions that have been proven to save lives and reduce injuries and other consequences of unsafe roads, with a particular focus on those who are least protected on our roads, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Start with 30 km/h limits or lower where people walk, cycle, live, and play; lower speed limits; pedestrian facilities; traffic calming; comprehensive motorcycle helmet laws, including enforcement and promotion, ensuring availability of safe and affordable helmets; and incorporate other evidence-based interventions based on local and regional data.
2. TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE INVESTMENT TO MAKE MOBILITY SAFE: demonstrate accountability by specifically incorporating the safety of all road users as a core element in funding allocations for mobility systems. Channel funding into implementation of proven life and injury-saving interventions, based on evidence and impact, recognizing that evidence-based interventions have a high return on investment. Publish transparent public reporting that includes sources of funding and specific amounts.
3. NGO INVOLVEMENT IN DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES: work with NGOs and communities, enabling an environment where civil society and government can work together effectively, so that evidence-based road safety decisions that save lives and injuries are made at every level of government.
The evidence-based actions, investment, and approach to NGO involvement in decision-making have been refined to reflect the reality of each of five regions.
We call on governments in Africa to implement or guarantee accountable, well-resourced, and empowered road safety institutions that are responsible and capable of managing all necessary road safety elements and which coordinate with other governmental authorities such as Ministries of Health, Transport, Infrastructure, and Education, in order to reduce road fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2030 and guarantee people’s right to safe mobility.
We call on all governments in Asia Pacific to commit to act for people’s right to safe mobility and a 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030, with an urgent focus on motorcycle users who are at greatest risk of injury in the region
We call on governments in Europe, North America, Australasia to commit to act for people’s right to safe mobility and a 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030, through the implementation of evidence-based interventions that put people at the center, protect the environment, and promote equity and inclusion.
Tras una década de fracaso colectivo, instamos a los gobiernos y poderes públicos de los países de América Latina a hacer de la política de seguridad vial una prioridad nacional, adoptando el enfoque de Sistema Seguro. Los exhortamos a obligar y garantizar el bien jurídico tutelado de una movilidad segura, sostenible e incluyente, que trascienda los plazos gubernamentales e incorpore metas e indicadores de resultados, y a implementar acciones basadas en evidencia, con especial énfasis en la gestión de la velocidad, la seguridad de los vehículos motorizados de dos ruedas, y proveer una atención integral a las víctimas viales y sus familias.