UNRSF Engagement strategy

Funding opportunity: UN Road Safety Fund Call for Proposals 2024


The UN Road Safety Fund (UNRSF) will open a call for proposals on 1 September 2024. In preparation, the Alliance, as a pre-approved participating agency, is calling for applications of interest (AOIs) from Alliance members (associate or full) and partners to propose projects that are in line with the Alliance Strategic Plan and the UNRSF’s funding priority, “Regional programmes that implement road safety laws and standards aligned with UN legal instruments” specifically in relation to ‘laws or standards on motorcycle helmets’ to address key gaps identified in the 2023 Global Status Report on Road Safety (GSRRS, 2023).

Pre-approved participating agency

Only pre-approved participating agencies are eligible to apply for the UNRSF call for proposal. These agencies include select UN agencies and select NGOs, including the Alliance. As a pre-approved participating agency, the Alliance is responsible for deciding which proposals it will support and submit. This call for applications of interest (AOIs) is informed by our Engagement Strategy found HERE. Those who submit AOIs do not have to be a pre-approved participating agency.

Target countries

We aim to identify a minimum of 3 target countries that are LMICs in WHO South East Asia and Western Pacific regions. Given the complexity in defining the region ‘Asia’, we will also consider LMICs which are classified as member countries by Asia Development Bank, UNESCAP or other major organizations whose categorization differs from WHO. 

We suggest the following 16 countries where there are opportunities for improvements in the area of ‘laws or standards on motorcycle helmets’ to contribute to the achievement of SDG 3.6: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, India, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Samoa, Thailand, and Vietnam.

However, other countries will be considered provided that there are sound justifications for relevance to the UNRSF’s funding priority: “Regional programmes that implement road safety laws and standards aligned with UN legal instruments” specifically in relation to ‘laws or standards on motorcycle helmets’ to address key gaps identified in the 2023 Global Status Report on Road Safety (GSRRS, 2023).   

How to apply

Complete and submit your AOI HERE. The AOI closes Tuesday 20 August 2024 (23:59 CET).

Selection process

The Alliance will assess all the AOIs received on a rolling basis, and identify shortlisted organizations. Those who were not shortlisted will be notified of the outcome within 6 weeks of AOI closure. The Alliance will work closely with shortlisted organisations as well as other interested stakeholders identified via engagement strategy A through August to September to further develop the proposal in line with the UNRSF 2024 Call for Proposals specifications and determine the final participating organizations.


For enquiries, please contact alexandra.ciobica@roadsafetyngos.org 

Scope of work for grant applications made to UNRSF

The UNRSF would provide a detailed scope of work for grant applications by 1 September 2024 which can be accessed HERE. Meanwhile, it is expected that applications should cover the following:

  • Regional programmes that implement road safety laws and standards aligned with UN legal instruments specifically in relation to ‘laws or standards on motorcycle helmets’ to address key gaps identified in the 2023 Global Status Report on Road Safety (GSRRS, 2023); 
  • The work must directly impact LMICs in the Asia region (please specify the classification you use e.g. WHO, ADB, UNESCAP) – we are looking for a minimum 3 target countries that could benefit from the project; 
  • The project proposed must be directly linked to the implementation of laws or standards on motorcycle helmets aligned with UN legal instruments; 
  • The project proposed must include engagement of the government in the target country; 
  • The need for the project must be clearly specified including gaps identified in the 2023 GSRRS; 
  • The opportunities presented for improvements in the area of ‘laws or standards on motorcycle helmets’ to contribute to the achievement of SDG 3.6 (e.g. motorcycle helmet law exists but there are gaps such as lack of specification of helmet standards in the law);
  • Projects that build on government action that is already taking place in the country to further strengthen the implementation of laws or standards on motorcycle helmets will be prioritised; 
  • The proposed project must be achievable during an 18 to 36 month period; 
  • The proposed project can be replicated in other countries and regions and/or scaled up within the country; 
  • The entire project budget covering minimum 3 target countries, all project partners, program support costs, monitoring and evaluation costs, will be between USD 100,000 and USD 500,000. Please ensure the proposed project has a reasonable and realistic budget demonstrating best value for money. Please note the final application will need to specify the budget based on the following categories: Staff and other personnel costs (capped 50% of total budget); Equipment, vehicles and furniture including depreciation (capped at 5% of total budget); Contractual services; Travel; Transfers and grants to counterparts.