The Alliance is delighted to welcome two new members and a new Friend of the Alliance that joined us recently.
Reacciona por la Vida, Mexico, was founded in 2013 by Víctimas de la Violencia Vial AC and AXA Mexico. Its objective is to promote actions that improve road safety in Mexico, so that the tragedies of families, who have lost someone because of a road crash are not repeated. Reacciona por la Vida works in alliance with other organizations, groups and government institutions to improve road safety conditions in Mexico and achieve zero road deaths, through awareness campaigns and public policy actions.
Sankalp Jyoti, India, is a registered non-profit working in Bihar State. It has undertaken road safety studies in Patna District and conducted awareness activities in schools and colleges in association with the Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA) and the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. It advocates with state and central government using the Charter of Demand for Road Safety and formed the Safety Alliance with other NGOs, individuals, and activists. This year, it has launched a state level campaign, in collaboration with BSDMA named Yellow Ribbon Express.
The Road Safety Observatory within the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, supports the Greek and international road safety community with road safety knowledge and data, which is gathered, analyzed, and organised within the research activities of NTUA and through co-operations with other national and international road safety organizations. The vision of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory is to contribute to the reduction of road crashes and casualties by supporting evidence-based road safety decision making for policies, programs, and interventions with science. It has undertaken more than 120 research projects since its inception in the early-1990s and more than 650 publications and is recognized as a center of research and innovation excellence for road safety.
Professor George Yannis leads the observatory. He has more than 30 years as engineer, academic, advisor and decision maker in all areas of transportation planning and engineering at national and international level and has contributed extensively to research and engineering projects and studies and scientific committees including for the European Commission, UNECE, OECD, WHO, World Bank, and EIB. As a Friend of the Alliance, he has been helping the Alliance to design effective accountability tools, offering his scientific expertise and knowledge of international road safety policy and practices.”