Dear fellow Alliance members,
It seems like a long time since we were together at the last Global Meeting in Chania, almost two years ago. Under normal circumstances, in 2021, we would be holding the Seventh Global Meeting and gathering together as a body of NGOs to share, learn, and prepare for action. However, sadly, the continuing global pandemic makes it impractical for us to hold the Global Meeting until travel restrictions and distancing requirements ease. We are hopeful that we may be able to reschedule for 2022, although it is too early to be certain or to make firm plans.
The General Assembly is usually held during the Global Meeting. This is where Alliance member NGOs review and approve the Alliance’s accounts and plans, vote on changes to the bylaws, which is its governing document, and elect new board members. It is an essential function of the Alliance, ensuring that the Board and the Secretariat, who are appointed by the members, remain accountable to them for the mission and plans for the Alliance. We are always mindful to ensure that the conditions set out for the General Assembly in the bylaws are enacted correctly.
The bylaws do not mandate how often the General Assembly should be held. After lengthy discussion, the Board have agreed that under the current circumstances, the General Assembly should be postponed until we can meet face-to-face as an Alliance at the next Global Meeting.
To maintain continuity, those Board Members whose roles are up for re-election, will continue as Interim Board Members until the next General Assembly.
We miss you all, our Alliance family, and are sad that we will not be able to hold the Global Meeting as usual this year. We look forward, however, to when we can meet together again in person, hopefully in 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Rochelle Sobel
Chair of the Board