Maio Amarelo, or Yellow May, is a road safety movement held annually in May in 28 countries around the world. The theme of this year’s Maio Amarelo was “We are the traffic,” and participating groups, which included schools, NGOs, and corporations, ran activities to raise awareness of the urgent need to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries. Activities included walking processions and motorcycle and car rallies, workshops for schoolchildren and corporate employees, and an electronic game available as an app to teach children about road safety.
Yellow May closes on 28 June 2018 with an awards ceremony that recognizes the actions of companies, government agencies, and civil society organizations for actions that promote the theme of Yellow May, to create awareness of road safety and encourage behavior change.
May was chosen because 11 May 2011 was the day that the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020 was officially proclaimed. Yellow is used because it symbolizes attention and is often used for warning signs.
The movement is coordinated by Alliance member Observatório Nacional de Segurança Viária, Brazil. Read more HERE.