The Safe Roads and Transport Alliance (SROTA), Bangladesh, is a multisectoral collaboration with a purpose to assist government and nongovernmental actors towards Bangladesh’s realization of SDG 11, between specifically the goals of improved road safety and safe, accessible, affordable and sustainable transport systems. It includes Alliance members BRAC and the Center for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh. SROTA pursues its mission through defined action plans to avoid duplication of existing initiatives and prioritize credible data, cross-sectoral dialogue and strengthened accountability mechanisms. It seeks a holistic approach to SDG 11.
A delegation from SROTA recently presented recommendations to the Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The recommendations included:
Dr. Hossain Zillur Rahman, the convener of SROTA talking about the issue said that “Road crashes, whether caused by human or mechanical failure, negligence, or a combination of other factors, must be dealt with through prevention, attention, and compensation with legislation, effective enforcement and road user behavior working shoulder to shoulder.”
The Road Safety Act and Road and Transport Act 2018 are being drafted in Bangladesh and SROTA is calling for greater consultation with stakeholders.