General Assembly

“All Members of the organization are invited to participate in the General Assembly. Only Full Members can cast votes at the General Assembly.

The General Assembly will be convened every two years ideally in the first or second quarter of the year. A General Assembly may be organized as a fully online meeting or as a hybrid in person/online meeting with online access possible.”

Bylaws of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety

The General Assembly, which is held every two years, is the highest body of our organization. It is responsible for defining our mission, electing the Board of Directors, approving modifications to the bylaws, and defining the control of the accounts. It also represents a real opportunity for our members to exercise the governance of the organization.

The General Assembly is open to all Alliance members of an organization to attend, regardless of the status. However, only full members (not associate members) may vote and must assign one representative. Only one representative of each full member organization may participate in the elections.

The operation and procedures of the General Assembly are described in our bylaws.

General Assembly 2024

The Sixth General Assembly of the Global Road Safety NGO Alliance took place via Zoom on 20 March 2024. All Alliance members were invited to attend.

Two members of the Board stepped down from their seats as they reached their term of office: Kulanthayan KC Mani and Prerana Arora. Therefore, an election was held during the General Assembly to elect two new members to the Board of Directors. They were elected: Maatla Ostogile and Donna Price.

Important Documents:

  • Bylaws – Our bylaws have undergone some revisions and updates. You can download the document approved during the assembly HERE.
  • Minutes – Download the minutes of the General Assembly 2024 HERE.
  • Biennial report and account – Download the reports presented during the General Assembly HERE