The Africa Chapter of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety was launched in November 2018 as a means of uniting road safety NGOs in Africa more closely, harnessing their joint experience, building their capacity and amplifying their advocacy voices with their governments.
The Africa region’s economy is growing faster than any other continent’s. Regrettably, this success brings some serious and painful consequences: Africa has 2% of the world’s cars but 16% of the world’s road deaths, and more than 300,000 people lose their lives in road traffic crashes in the region every year, while thousands more are injured.
NGOs are at the forefront of efforts in Africa to save lives on the roads—working with communities and government, leading projects and campaigns, and advocating for road safety policies.
The need to grow the NGO movement in Africa is urgent: to raise their collective voice about the problem, advocate for sustainable solutions, and strengthen their capacity to deliver evidence-based programs, road safety management, financing, and research.
With 80 NGOs across 31 countries in Africa, the Alliance equips, mobilizes, and connects NGOs. The Africa Chapter enables us to step up action in the continent.
The Africa Chapter is based on a call to action developed in consultation with Alliance member NGOs. It calls on governments to:
Read the call to action in ENGLISH and FRENCH.
Read the strategic plan HERE.
The Africa Chapter brings together Alliance NGOs in Africa more closely to work on common challenges and solutions and to call together for action.
The Africa Chapter is working with the African Regional Network for Road Safety Legislators to find ways for NGOs and MPs to work together to push the road safety agenda in Africa. The first meeting was held in November 2020. Read the outcomes and watch the recording.
The Alliance organizes training to equip NGOs in Africa in data-led advocacy. Recent training, held in English and French in collaboration with UNEP, has equipped 40 Alliance NGO staff in Africa for campaign management.
The Alliance Accelerator will pair up African NGOs working on similar issues, offer mentorship from experts, and provide the opportunity to apply for a seed grant to implement the solutions they are working on. The aim of this initiative is to implement a collaborative working system, similar to start-up incubators, with a bottom-up approach: working from the problem to the solution.
If you are a member of the Alliance in Africa, you will automatically receive communications about the Africa Chapter.