4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety

The 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, 18-20 February 2025, hosted by the Moroccan Government and WHO.

The theme of the Ministerial Conference is “One world, one road: commit to life” It will bring together government Ministers, road safety experts, academics, NGOs, youth, and private sector to accelerate progress toward SDG 3.6 to have road deaths and injuries by 2030.

Read more on the official Ministeral Conference website HERE.

Role of NGOs

While the Ministerial Conference is primarily aimed at government authorities, NGOs have a role to play.

  • Make sure the right people attend: Engage with your Minister and other key road safety decision makers and influencers. This could include officials from other Ministries, the road safety agency, or other departments. Make sure they understand why the Ministerial Conference is important and encourage them to attend.
  • Push for commitments: Use the lead up to the conference to push for commitments and implementation of evidence-based interventions, such as the Priority Interventions. These can help your government demonstrate the progress it is making.
  • Try to be part of your country’s delegation: By joining your country’s delegation to the Ministerial Conference, you have the opportunity to ensure that civil society’s voice is heard and included as your authorities take part in the discussions.
  • Follow up: The most crucial part of the Ministerial Conference is what happens afterwards. Follow up on commitments and the outcomes from the conference and keep your government accountable.

What the Alliance is doing

The Alliance will mobilize and represent its member NGOs in the lead up, during and beyond the Ministerial Conference.

1. Ahead of the Ministerial Conference

The Alliance will organize a series of preparatory activities and resources to help NGOs engage their government authorities.

  • Online preparation workshops aimed at NGOs: Register for our first session on Tuesday 17 September at 14:00 CET.
  • COMING SOON. Engagement pack: we are pulling together a pack to help you engage with your government for the conference.
  • COMING SOON. Subsidies for NGO travel to the Ministerial Conference: we will have a limited number of subsidies available. Stay tuned for the application process in fall 2024.
  • Global and regional preparatory events:

2. At the Ministerial Conference

The Alliance will be coordinating several activities in Morocco.

  • 18 – 20 February 2024. Civil society Commit to Life Zone: The Commit to Life zone will be a civil society space to showcase solutions to make our streets safer, healthier, and more prosperous for all and demonstrate the dangerous realities that people face on their every day journeys. NGOs will be invited to apply to bring an installation or an activity. We imagine a vibrant space bringing together different civil society partners where Ministers and other decision makers can be inspired to action.
  • 17 February 2024. NGO symposium: the Alliance will hold a meeting for its member NGOs and featuring relevant governmental, non-governmental, multilateral academic, and private sector speakers. It will act as a pre-meeting to the conference and enable NGOs to prepare for supporting their delegations and for future advocacy and accountability.
  • 17 February 2024. Civil Society Call to Action: The Alliance will coordinate a symbolic civil society call to action at the Commit To Life Zone. Speakers will be drawn from NGOs and other civil society partners.