4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety

The 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, 18-20 February 2025, hosted by the Moroccan Government and WHO.

The theme of the Ministerial Conference is “One world, one road: commit to life” It will bring together government Ministers, road safety experts, academics, NGOs, youth, and private sector to accelerate progress toward SDG 3.6 to have road deaths and injuries by 2030.

Read more on the official Ministeral Conference website HERE.

Role of NGOs

While the Ministerial Conference is primarily aimed at government authorities, NGOs have a role to play. They must push for the right decision makers to attend and bring meaningful evidence-based commitments that demonstrate progress. Ideally, NGOs would be part of every delegation participating meaningfully on behalf of communities. Most crucially, NGOs must follow up: the most important part of the Ministerial Conference is what happens afterwards. NGOs’ role is to keep their authorities accountable for implementing what has been discussed.

The Alliance in Marrakech

The Alliance will mobilize and represent its member NGOs in the lead up, during, and beyond the Ministerial Conference. Check out our Engagement Pack comprising useful resources and links to help you prepare for the Ministerial Conference BELOW.

During the Ministerial Conference, we will make sure that civil society’s voice is heard loud and clear in Marrakech. Here is what we have planned:

From inspiration to solutions NGO Regional meetings

17 February 2025 08:00 – 10:00

Palais des congrès, Karam 1,2,3

These meetings will enable Alliance members to discuss in more depth how to put insights from the Symposium into action.

The Africa meeting will hold in Karam 1, Palais de Congres. Read the agenda HERE.

The Latin America meeting will hold in Karam 2, Palais de Congres. Read the agenda HERE.

The Asia Meeting will hold in Karam 3, Palais de Congres. Read the agenda HERE.

The North America, Europe, and Australasia Meeting will hold in Karam 3, Palais de Congres. Read the agenda HERE.

#CommitToLife walk and ride and Call to Action

17 February 2025 10:30 – 12:00

Palais des congrès, Avenue Mohammed VI

This event is in support of the UN Global Road Safety Week, showcasing walking and cycling as a desirable mode of transport.

The Walk and Ride will commence at the Moulay el Hassan park at a community event organized by NARSA and the City of Marrakech.

The program will start at 10:30, followed by testimonies from a cyclist, a pedestrian, and a victim at 11:20, along with a call for safe streets. At 11:30, there will be a photo and media moment, and at 11:40, the walk and ride will set off as per the planned route. Register HERE.

From commitments to accountability NGO Symposium

17 February 2025 12:30 – 18:00

Palais des congrès, Ambassador Auditorium

The Symposium, co-hosted with WHO and the Government of Morocco and in partnership with FIA Foundation, will explore how to make road safety commitments meaningful and actionable. It will consider the roles of different stakeholders and how to overcome the funding barrier that is often the limiter to implementation of commitments. Find out more HERE. Register for the Symposium HERE.

Solutions and realities: making commitment practical

17 – 20 February 2025

The Alliance’s booth in the conference exhibition will showcase the realities and solutions to make people’s journeys safe, highlighted through the Mobility Snapshots and helmet consultations, plus demonstrations and events. Please bring your delegation and prepare to talk about your work and the role of NGOs in achieving global road safety targets through advocacy for evidence-based interventions. Sign up to volunteer at the booth HERE.

Helmet realities and solutions: safe, affordable helmets for all side event

19 February 2025 07:30 – 08:45

This session will explore issues raised in the Alliance’s white paper to be launched for the Ministerial Conference, by hearing from some of the NGOs and experts who contributed to its development.

How to look good and be good: why accountability matters parallel session

19 February 2025 11:45 – 13:15

Palais des congrès, Fes 2

This session will examine the role of accountability in achieving the 2030 road safety targets, emphasizing how strong, well-defined commitments drive effective implementation. It will explore governments’ responsibility to guarantee safe mobility as a right through the Safe System approach and highlight how NGOs play a crucial role in holding governments accountable—a benefit rather than a threat. Through a moderated discussion, panelists will define accountability, discuss the roles of different stakeholders, identify what makes a quality commitment, and showcase successful examples of government-NGO collaboration. The session will conclude with next steps to strengthen accountability beyond the conference.

Preparing for accountability NGO debrief

20 February 2025 14:00

Straight after the conference, we will host NGOs for a debrief session to discuss next steps after the conference.

NGO Engagement Pack

Find below useful links and resources to help you prepare for the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety.

Practical information

In this section, find out where the conference is, how to register, and what will happen.

Official website

The Government of Morocco has set up an official website for the Ministerial Conference. This is where you can pre-register to request attendance, find out about the program and latest updates.


Image from 3rd Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. Photographer Mikael Ullén
Image from 3rd Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. Photographer Mikael Ullén

Sample of the official invitation letter

Relevant government ministers, such as Ministers for Transport have been sent an invitation letter via their Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You can find a sample copy of this letter below to help you make sure the right people respond to it.

Sample letter

Get involved

Key dates for NGOs

27 Nov 2025Townhall briefing
Dec 2024Travel subsidies notified
Jan 2025Briefing sessions for NGOs attending
17 Feb 2025NGO Symposium and Call to Action
17-20 Feb 2025Commit to Life Zone
18-20 Feb 2025Ministerial Conference
20 Feb 2025NGO debrief session


Upcoming events

The Alliance is organizing and involved in a number of events in the lead up to the Ministerial Conference.

Regional Call to Action consultations

Online: 24 September – 31 December 2024

We are updating the Alliance regional Calls to Action ahead of the Ministerial Conference. Alliance members will receive details by email on how to contribute to their region’s Call to Action and join the consultation.

Briefing on Alliance events at the Ministerial Conference

Online: 27 January 2025 at 14:00 CET

Information session for Alliance member NGOs to enable them prepare for supporting their delegations and for future advocacy and accountability. Register HERE.

Town Hall Ministerial Briefing Meeting (French)

Online: 4 February 2025 at 14:00 CET

French-language information session from WHO for stakeholders from government and civil society about the status of preparations ahead of the Ministerial Conference. Register HERE.

Session recordings

Briefing session

Catch up on the Alliance briefing session for member NGOs attending the Ministerial Conference.

Townhall meeting

Catch up on the November Town Hall Briefing hosted by WHO, to learn about the Ministerial preparations, invitation and registration process, programme, declaration, and tools for garnering national commitments HERE.

Information session

Catch up on our session from September with members to prepare for the Ministerial Conference.

Templates and documents

Open Letter to Global Leaders on Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility

The United Nations Road Safety Collaboration members invites you to sign the open letter to global leaders to take immediate action to address the global road safety crisis. Sign the letter HERE.

Check here for templates and documents that you can use to engage your decision makers to attend the conference and bring meaningful commitments. These will include a civil society open letter coordinated by YOURS and other back up documents.

Partner initiatives

The Alliance is working with global partners to ensure a coordinated civil society voice. We will share initiatives and tools here that you can use in your push with governments. We will continue to add to this section in the coming months.

Safer Roads Pledge

iRAP and IRF have launched a campaign for organizations involved in designing and financing road infrastructure to pledge ​their commitment for safer roads and the SDGs.


Advocacy resources

The Alliance has a range of tools and initiatives to help you advocate for safer streets and hold your government accountable in the lead up and after the Ministerial Conference.

Accountability Toolkit

The Alliance Accountability Toolkit is a set of practical tools to help you track your government’s road safety progress, push for commitments, and keep them accountable for the safety of all road users.

Mobility Snapshots

You can use the Mobility Snapshots to show the reality facing pedestrians and other road users every day and advocate to #MakeItSafe.


I am an NGO. How can I register for the Ministerial Conference?

You must pre-register on the official website. Your application will be assessed and if approved, you will be invited to register.

How will my government Minister be invited to attend?

Invitations have been sent from the Government of Morocco to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in each country via the embassies addressed to the relevant Minister (e.g. Minister of Transport).

Will government delegations be making a presentation at the conference?

The program is organized by the hosts—Government of Morocco and WHO. They aim to give all ministers a speaking opportunity at the conference through the Ministers roundtable, Plenary sessions, and Parallel sessions. See the program HERE. It is therefore important that the hosts know which ministers are going, so they can ensure speaking slots.

Who should bring a helmet for the Alliance booth?

Alliance member NGOs, especially those who received travel subsidies, should bring a helmet to the conference.

Why do I need to bring a helmet?

In the subsidy agreement, there is a requirement for you to bring a non-standard motorcycle helmet from your country. The Alliance will use it as part of a powerful display at the Alliance Booth to show how we are letting people down by allowing unsafe helmets to market.

What type of helmet should I bring?

• Mandatory: One helmet that 1) is available for purchase in your country 2) does not meet any safety standard AND 3) in your opinion is the most popular (typical of most helmets used) in your country.
• Optional: A second helmet that 1) is available for purchase in your country 2) has a certification label AND 3) in your opinion is the most popular (typical of most helmets used) in your country.

Where can I get these helmets?

You can source them from shops, street stalls, second-hand stores, online, any shop that sells motorcycle helmets in your country, or via friends and family.

Can I bring used helmets?

Yes, used helmets are welcome. 

Will the Alliance pay for the helmets?

No. The Alliance is not able to provide additional funding for these as it is part of the subsidy agreement.

Where and when do I deliver the helmets?

Bring the helmets to the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech. Alliance staff will collect them onsite.

What details do I need to provide with the helmets when I drop them to the Alliance staff in Marrakech?

• Full name

• Your country of origin

• Where you sourced the helmet (shop type, city, and country)

• Price paid (if applicable) and when

• Whether the helmet was new or used at the time of purchase

• Disposal preference: Returned to you OR Disposed by the Alliance (may involve a public/media statement).

Got more questions?

Write to us at admin@roadsafetyngos.org.

NGO Symposium co-hosts

Alliance activities’ sponsors