UN Global Road Safety Week

UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) is a biennial global road safety campaign hosted by WHO. It brings together individuals, governments, NGOs, corporations, and other organizations from around the world to raise awareness of road safety and make changes that will reduce the number of road deaths. It is a valuable opportunity for NGOs and other civil society organizations and individuals to mobilize under the banner of a global campaign, giving them a global identity and mandate for their campaigns – together we have a stronger voice. Each UNGRSW has an advocacy theme.

Read more about UNGRSW on the WHO website: https://www.who.int/campaigns/un-global-road-safety-week.

#MakeWalking&CyclingSafe: 8th UNGRSW

The theme for the 8th UNGRSW, to be held 12-18 May 2025, is safe walking and cycling calling for evidence-based measures to make walking and cycling safe.


#RethinkMobility: 7th UNGRSW

The theme for the 7th UNGRSW, to be held 15-21 May 2023, is Streets for Life #RethinkMobility calling for a safe shift to walking, cycling, and public transport.


#Love30: 6th UNGRSW

The theme for the 6th UNGRSW, held 17-23 May 2021, was Streets for Life #Love30 calling for 30 km/h default speed limits where people and vehicles mix.


#SpeakUp: 5th UNGRSW

The theme of 2019’s UNGRSW was leadership, under the tagline #SpeakUp. NGOs presented their demands for safer roads to their government leaders.


#SlowDown in Argentina Bien Argentino

#SlowDown: 4th UNGRSW

In 2017, UNGRSW focused on the issue of speed, which is implicated in around 30% of crashes. Using the hashtag #SlowDown, campaigns around the world called for 30kmph speed limits on roads where vehicles and pedestrians mix, as per WHO evidence-based recommendations


#SaveKidsLives: 3rd UNGRSW

The 3rd UNGRSW mobilized children as road safety reporters around the world under the theme #SaveKidsLives.