Youth to Demand Seat at Decision-Making Table

Road traffic crashes are the number one public health threat facing young people aged 15-29, yet all over the world, youth are excluded from the systems that decide how mobility is shaped. This needs to change. How can policy be effectively designed, implemented, and evaluated if we do not include the input and involvement of […]


Association Les Amis de la Route du Mali Wins Honorary Award

A big congratulations to Alliance member, Association Les Amis de la Route du Mali, who received an honorary award for their commitment to road safety at the Night of Philanthropy in November in Mali. It is the first time a road safety organization has received this award in the country.  The prize was awarded to the […]


Shorthand Version of the Stockholm Declaration

The Stockholm Declaration will be the primary output from the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Sweden next month. We are now at the end of the Decade of Action so the Stockholm Declaration is a key document in setting the agenda for road safety for the next 10 years. It sets out […]


Power-mapping enables Alliance Advocate to Push for Lower Speed Limits

Last month, 30kmph limits became regulation on urban roads across Zambia. Alongside this important step, were several other measures to improve safety for pedestrians, in particular school children. These measures include table top crossings, safe crossing points and refuge islands, traffic calming, improved signage, and dedicated pedestrian walkways. Alongside this, road safety education in schools […]


New publication gathers best practices of the Netherlands and Denmark

New publication gathers best practices of the Netherlands and Denmark, to help NGOs promote safer cycling in Europe A technical guide, funded by FedEx Express, provides open-source resource for organisations looking to encourage cycling and improve road safety 14 January, 2020: FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp., the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road […]


Africa Chapter: Strategic Plan is Ready

In 2018, the Alliance’s Africa Chapter was launched to connect Alliance members in Africa more closely, build momentum and strengthen the road safety NGO community. A strategic plan is now ready, thanks to the ongoing input of our members in Africa and particularly the editorial group of members that drafted the plan. We are excited […]


Youth Stepping up to Fight for Road Safety at World Youth Assembly in Sweden 2020

In the lead up to the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety in Sweden 2020, Alliance member Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), and their Global Youth Task force of advocates are hosting consultations with young people around the world to talk about road safety and empower them to develop solutions to some of the […]


Happy New Year: 2019 Highlights

2019 has been a productive year for the Alliance and its members. Here are some of the highlights: 6th Global Meeting of Nongovernmental Organizations Advocating for Road Safety 270 participants including NGOs and road safety professionals from 76 countries around the world came together in April for the 6th Global Meeting. Highlights included workshops, training, the […]


Round the World Roundtable: Safe and Inclusive Mobility in Rural Spain

Alliance member Stop Accidentes in Spain is committed to boosting the culture of road safety, advocating for road safety as a collective responsibility, and improving the safety of the most vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly. Studies have shown a significant proportion of road deaths occur on rural roads, yet road safety interventions […]


Round the World Roundtables: Saving the Lives of Children in Tunisia

Alliance member Les Ambassadeurs de la Securite Routiere (ASR), Tunisia, has worked since 2013 to raise awareness and fight against road insecurity, as well as educate children and young people about road safety to ensure a safer future for all. The organization has used the #CommitToAct campaign, in preparation for the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference […]


Putting Road Safety on the Agenda in Haiti

Life is difficult in Haiti. 80% of the population live in poverty and infrastructure is poor. With so many needs, it is hard to get road safety on the political agenda. Crime, hunger, displaced citizens living in temporary camps, economic and political unstability are all issues that are undeniably urgent. In this political context, it was therefore a significant […]


Round the World Roundtable: Road Safety and Leadership in Cameroon

In 2016, road traffic incidents resulted in around 1,879 deaths in Cameroon, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). On Monday 9 December 2019, Alliance member Securoute, Cameroon, hosted a Round the World Roundtable at the National Assembly in Cameroon. The purpose of the event was to secure commitments from the Ministries of Transport, Public […]


Prince Michael Award Winners 2019

The 2019 Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards were announced on Tuesday 10 December at its Annual Awards Luncheon Ceremony held at The Savoy Hotel in London. The awards were presented by the Prince himself, His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent. More than 300 of the world’s leading road safety professionals attended the awards […]


Helmet Controversy in India

In August 2019, strict new road safety laws and penalties have been applied in India through the passing of the Motor Vehicle Amendment) Act. Once a law has been passed at national level it becomes the responsibility of the States to implement it. In Gujarat, it was therefore a surprising move when the State government announced […]


First Countries With 1000 Declaration Signatures

Greece, South Africa, Iran, and the Philippines have become the first four countries with more than 1000 People’s Declaration signatures.  Congratulations to South Africans Against Drunk Driving (SADD) in South Africa; Efthita Rhodes, Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”, You Are What U Do – Kostas Kouvidis, and Make Roads Safe Hellas in Greece: Road Safety […]


Round the World Roundtable: Victim Support in Argentina

Alliance member Asociacion Madres del Dolor, Argentina, has worked for many years for the rights of road victims and their families, advocating for stronger support and stronger justice, and to prevent road crashes through advocacy with the government to improve policy and enforcement. It has used the #CommitToAct campaign to run several roundtables to gain […]


Alliance Welcomes New Members

The Alliance is excited to welcome two new members who joined us recently: Myanmar Organization for Road Safety (MORS) was established in 2016 to raise awareness of road safety and save the lives of school children. It provides training to road users about the importance of wearing a helmet, wearing a seat belt, sticking to speed […]


Round the World Roundtable: Safer School Zones in Brazil

According to the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018, road traffic injury is the leading cause of death for young people aged 5–19 around the world. Thousands of children are killed or seriously injured each day, often on their way to or from school. For this reason, it is crucial that road safety is […]


Round the World Roundtable: 60 Schools to Become Safer in Benin

Children are the most vulnerable road users in Benin, with thousands suffering from death or injury each year on their way to or from school. On 31 October 2019, Alliance member ONG ALINAGNON hosted a Round the World Roundtable in Cotonou, Benin, to discuss the improvement of road safety around schools. The roundtable was organised […]


Round the World Roundtable: 50 Leaders Tackle Road Safety in the Philippines

According to WHO, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists are the most vulnerable road users. In the Philippines, 27.7 million children walk or use other forms of transport to commute to school each day. In 2017 alone, around 600 children aged 0-14 died as a result of road traffic crashes in the country. Children in the Philippines […]